Welcome to Participedia

A global crowdsourcing platform for researchers, activists, practitioners, and anyone interested in public participation and democratic innovations.

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Anyone can join the Participedia community and help crowdsource, catalogue, and compare participatory political processes around the world. The Participedia platform is published under a Creative Commons license and is accessible and editable by anyone. For information on how you can contribute to the project, please see our entry-writing guidelines.

Explore & Research

Explore our database of cases, methods, and organizations using the search bar above, download the data in csv files, or explore entries by location.

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Help expand our database by editing existing content or publishing your own. Publishing entries on Participedia provides increased discoverability of your work, while also contributing to a collaborative effort to document examples of public participation and democratic innovation.

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Use Participedia in the classroom to engage students and showcase their research.

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Participedia offers a searchable and editable database of content related to worldwide public participation.

Entries about cases document specific examples of how various methods of participatory politics and governance are implemented. Cases can be contemporary or historical, completed, or ongoing.

  • For example, this case on Paris’s 2017 Participatory Budget is one of over 160 case entries documenting the use of participatory methods to give citizens stronger influence over the distribution of public resources.
Entries about methods provide information on the overarching processes used to guide public participation, such as citizens’ juries, deliberative polling, and participatory budgeting.
  • For example, the 21st Century Town Meeting method allows a large number of people to deliberate simultaneously in small-groups using audience response technology.

Method entries can also provide information on the techniques, mechanisms, and devices used to implement, guide, or improve participatory methods.

Entries about %sorganizations%s provide profiles of formal and informal groups that design, implement, or support innovations in participatory politics and governance.

Entries about organizations provide profiles of formal and informal groups that design, implement, or support innovations in participatory politics and governance.
  • For example, Apathy is Boring is a Canadian NGO that uses methods of participatory arts and democratic education to engage youth in politics.

Entries in the Teaching & Learning Resource Center provide resources for undergraduate and graduate classroom settings, as well as professional development resources for practitioners, civil society organizations, and NGOs. Resources range from course syllabi and class assignments, to handbooks, simulations, and multi-media training material.


Participedia is a global network and crowdsourcing platform for researchers, educators, practitioners, policymakers, activists, and anyone interested in democratic innovations. By democratic, we mean practices or institutions that potentially advance ideals of self-government—individually, collectively, and across time, space, and geography. By innovations we mean practices or institutions that are relatively new to a context or place. Our mission is to mobilize knowledge about democracy-enhancing practices and institutions that people are inventing, remolding, protecting, and transferring from other contexts.

Although committed to democratic ideals, Participedia does not advance any ideological, programmatic, institutional, or government agenda. We believe that there are many ways to advance democracy, and that they will differ by place, history, culture, and context-based challenges. We recognize existing inequalities in the collection, theorization, and mobilization of knowledge about non-Western forms of democratic innovations. Participedia is committed to working to address this imbalance. We also recognize that not all cases and methods documented by Participedia will advance democracy, and that impacts will vary by context. “Our mission is to mobilize knowledge about democracy-enhancing practices and institutions that will support answers to the question: What kinds of democratic innovations work best, for what purposes, under what conditions?

Participedia Phase 1 emphasized democratic innovations in participatory governance. Participedia Phase 2, launched in June 2021, is expanding to include a broader range of practices and institutions that potentially support democratic ideals, including innovations in human and political rights, democratic accountability, democratic representation, democracy across borders, and digital communications. Phase 2 recognizes that the democratic project builds on complex ecologies of practices and institutions, and will develop the conceptual infrastructure necessary to capture these broader domains of democratic innovations through crowdsourcing.

Participedia Phase 2

Participedia Phase 2 is funded by a Canadian Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Partnership grant from 2021-2026. Phase 2 aims to promote global cross-sectoral knowledge that supports democratic innovation and resilience. During this project phase, team members will collaborate to produce research and mobilize knowledge to directly address current challenges to democracy and democratization. This new phase of Participedia’s research brings together 63 researchers from 22 universities and 21 organizations across 12 countries. Read more about our latest grant.

Participedia Phase 2 Partners

Bonny Ibhawoh, Director
Centre for Human Rights and Restorative Justice
McMaster University
Bonny Ibhawoh
Director, Participedia
Chair, Human & Political Rights Research Cluster
Mark Warren
Co-chair, Research Committee
Co-chair, Democratic Representation Research Cluster
Matt Ryan
Co-chair, Research Committee
Bettina von Lieres
Co-chair, Teaching, Training & Mentoring Committee
Julien Landry
Co-chair, Teaching, Training & Mentoring Committee
Jesi Carson
Co-chair, Design Technology Team
Amber Frid-Jimenez
Co-chair, Design Technology Team
Selen Ercan
Co-chair, Participatory & Deliberative Governance Research Cluster
Andre Bächtiger
Co-chair, Participatory & Deliberative Governance Research Cluster
Sanjay Ruparelia
Chair, Democratic Accountability Research Cluster
Françoise Montambeault
Co-chair, Democratic Representation Research Cluster
Sean Gray
Chair, Democracy Across Borders Research Cluster
Edana Beauvais
Chair, Democracy & Digital Communication Research Cluster
Joanna Ashworth
Ex Officio
Patrick Scully
Ex Officio
Paul Emiljanowicz
Ex Officio
Paul Emiljanowicz
Project Manager
Jesi Carson
Design Tech Lead
Pan Khantidhara
Lead Developer
Jennifer Wallace
Research Assistant
Quinn Anderson
Research Assistant
Adebisi Alade
Research Assistant
Fiona Anciano
University of the Western Cape
Laurence Bherer
Université de Montréal
Hans Asenbaum
University of Canberra
Chandrima Chakraborty
McMaster University
Joanna Ashworth
Simon Fraser University
Nancy Doubleday
McMaster University
Leonardo Avritzer
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
Selen Ercan
University of Canberra
Andre Bächtiger
Universität Stuttgart
Amber Frid-Jimenez
Emily Carr University of Art + Design
Karen Balcom
McMaster University
Archon Fung
Harvard University
Sean Gray
Memorial University Newfoundland
Edana Beauvais
Simon Fraser University
Nibaldo Galleguillos
McMaster University
John Gaventa
Studies University of Sussex
Baogang He
Deakin University
Ameil Joseph
McMaster University
Paul Kingston
University of Toronto-Scarborough
Julien Landry
St. Francis Xavier University
Rosemary McGee
University of Sussex
Françoise Montambeault
Université de Montréal
Tina Nabatchi
Syracuse University
Lucy Parry
University of Canberra
Laurence Piper
University of the Western Cape
Stuart Poyntz
Simon Fraser University
Robert Richards
University of Arkansas
Jonathan Rose
Queen\u2019s University
Sanjay Ruparelia
Ryerson University
Matt Ryan
University of Southampton
Vera Schattan P. Coelho
Brazilian Center of Analysis and Planning
Alexander Shankland
University of Sussex
Graham Smith
University of Westminster
Paolo Spada
University of Southampton
Anil Varughese
Carleton University
Francesco Veri
University of Canberra
Bettina von Lieres
University of Toronto-Scarborough
Steven Weldon
Simon Fraser University
Mark Warren
University of British Columbia
Melissa Williams
University of Toronto
Yamini Aiyar
Centre for Policy Research
Lanre Ikuteyijo
Obafemi Awolowo University
Eileen Alma
St. Francis Xavier University
Katherine Knobloch
Colorado State University
Mbongiseni Buthelezi
Public Affairs Research Institute
Melissa Levin
University of Toronto-Scarborough
Leslie Chan
University of Toronto-Scarborough
Oluyemi Oyenike Fayomi
Admiralty University of Nigeria
Mark Gibney
University of North Carolina at Asheville
Lord Mawuko-Yevugah
Ghana Institute for Management and Public Administration
Ricardo Mendonça
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
Nidhi Nagabhatla
United Nations University \/ McMaster University
Patricia Nanz
Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies, Potsdam
Thamy Pogrebinschi
WZB Berlin Social Science Center
Jon Stever
Innovation for Policy Foundation
James Turk
Ryerson University
Dale Turner
University of Toronto
Nick Vlahos
University of Canberra
Katherine Walker
University of Saskatchewan
Matthew Wildcat
University of Alberta
Melike Yilmaz
McMaster University
Mesut Yilmaz
McMaster University
Ming Zhuang
Social Equity and Participant Center
Paola Ardiles
Simon Fraser University
Nico Landsman

Participedia Phase 2 is guided and supported by the following standing committees:

  • Executive Committee
  • Research Committee
  • Teaching Training & Mentoring Committee
  • Design Technology Team
  • Communications Team

Participedia Phase 2 team members participate in research clusters to collaboratively explore the following research areas:

  • Participatory & Deliberative Governance
  • Human & Political Rights
  • Democratic Accountability
  • Democratic Representation
  • Democracy Across Borders
  • Democracy and digital communications

Participedia is currently supported by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) through a five-year Partnership Grant beginning in 2021.

Translation management software for this website is provided by Phrase.

Participedia Phase 1

Participedia Phase 1, funded by a SSHRC Partnership grant from 2015-2021, addressed the research challenge of curating and mobilizing knowledge associated with thousands of kinds of democratic innovations that are in place in countries all over the world. We did so by digitally crowdsourcing knowledge in an area of research marked by rapid development and highly dispersed knowledge, much of it practical rather than academic.

Participedia.net is an open source online platform for collaborative co-production of knowledge about democratic innovations, with a focus on participatory governance. Its content comprises user-contributed articles and data available in multiple languages. Participedia is now the world’s largest repository of information about participatory governance, and we have built a global network of academics and practitioners who support and use it.

Prior to Phase 1, the Participedia project was founded in 2009 by Archon Fung (Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University) and Mark E. Warren (Department of Political Science, University of British Columbia).

The following is an archive of Participedia Phase 1 team members and supporters.

Participedia is open to anyone. Our members include people of all backgrounds, nationalities, and professions. From policy analysts to professors, activists to teachers, Participedia is a place for anyone interested in democratic participation. Our community is at the heart of our endeavour: by joining up, you too can help build this growing resource by editing existing entries or publishing new content on public participation.

Participedia is built on a global partnership between organizations, institutions, and individuals who share an interest in participatory politics and governance. Our partners include co-applicants and collaborators under the SSHRC Partnership Grant. Please contact us if you would like to support the Participedia Project's global mission to expand the use and knowledge of democratic innovation by becoming a partner.

Mark E. Warren, Participedia Project Director and Co-founder
Department of Political Science / Centre for the Study of Democratic Institutions
University of British Columbia
Archon Fung, Participedia Co-founder
Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation
Harvard University
Eileen Alma
Coady International Institute
St. Francis Xavier University
Julia Abelson
Centre for Health Economics and Policy Analysis
McMaster University
Marco Adria
Centre for Public Involvement
University of Alberta
Giovanni Allegretti
Centro de Estudo Sociais
Universidade de Coimbra
Joanna Ashworth
Centre for Sustainable Development
Simon Fraser University
Leonardo Avritzer
Department of Political Science
Federal University of Minas Gerais
Michael Burgess
W. Maurice Young Centre for Applied Ethics
University of British Columbia
Simone Chambers
Department of Political Science
University of California, Irvine
Nancy C. Doubleday
Department of Philosophy
McMaster University
Luciana Duranti
InterPARES Trust
School of Library, Archival, and Information Studies
University of British Columbiat
John Dryzek
Institute for Governance and Policy Analysis
University of Canberra
Amber Frid-Jimenez
Studio for Extensive Aesthetics / Design + Dynamic Media
Emily Carr University of Art + Design
John Gastil
The McCourtney Institute for Democracy
Pennsylvania State University
John Gaventa
Institute of Development Studies
University of Sussex
Baogang He
International Studies
Deakin University
Bonny Ibhawoh
Department of History
McMaster University
Jan-Hendrik Kamlage
Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities (KWI)
Research College / University of Duisburg-Essen
Paul Kingston
Centre for Critical Development Studies
University of Toronto-Scarborough
Rodolfo Lewanski
Department of Political and Social Sciences
University of Bologna
Peter Loewen
Munk School of Global Affairs
University of Toronto
Françoise Montambeaul
Centre d'études et de recherches internationals (CÉRIUM)
Centre for International Studies
Universite de Montreal
Tina Nabatchi
Program for the Advancement of Research on Conflict and Collaboration (PARCC)
Maxwell School, Syracuse University
Patrizia Nanz
Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS)
University of Potsdam
Laurence Piper
Department of Political Science
University of the Western Cape
Thamy Pogrebinschi
Research Unit Democracy and Democratization
WZB Berlin Social Science Center
Robert C. Richards, Jr.
University of Arkansas Clinton School of Public Service
Matthew Ryan
Centre for Citizenship, Governance and Globalization
University of Southampton
Graham Smith
Centre for the Study of Democracy
University of Westminster
Paolo Spada
Centro de Estudo Sociais
Universidade de Coimbra
Dietlind Stolle
Centre for the Study of Democratic Citizenship
McGill University
Bettina von Lieres
Centre for Critical Development Studies
University of Toronto-Scarborough
Melissa Williams
Department of Political Science
University of Toronto
Jirong Yan
Co-Innovation Center for State Governance
Institute of Political Development and Governance
Peking University
Xiaojin Zhang
Department of Political Science
Tsinghua University
André Bächtiger
Department of Political Theory and Empirical Study of Democracy
Universität Stuttgart
Kaustuv Bandyopadhyay
Society for Participatory Research in Asia (PRIA)
Edana Beauvais
Centre for the Study of Democratic Citizenship
Department of Political Science
McGill University
Claudia Feres Faria
Department of Political Science
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
Dustin Garrick
Department of Political Science and Booth School of Engineering Practice
McMaster University
Katherine Gillieson
Design + Dynamic Media
Emily Carr University of Art + Design
Jez Hall
PB Partners
Sandy Heierbacher
National Coalition for Dialogue and Deliberation
David Hume
Ministry of Citizens' Services and Open Government
Government of British Columbia
David Kahane
Department of Political Science
University of Alberta
Katie Knobloch
Communication Studies
Colorado State University
Julien Landry
Coady International Institute
St Francis Xavier University
Matt Leighninger
Yankelovich Center for Public Judgment
Public Agenda
Michael MacKenzie
Department of Political Science
University of Pittsburgh
Marjorie Correa Marona
Department of Political Science
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
Ricardo Fabrino Mendonça
Department of Political Science
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
Alessandro Mengozzi
Department of Social and Political Sciences
University of Bologna
Tiago Peixoto
ICT4Gov Program
World Bank Institute
Marcus Abílio Gomes Pereira
Department of Political Science
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
Hollie Russon-Gilman
Open Technology Institute
New America
Alexandra Samuel
Eleonora Schettini Cunha
Department of Political Science
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
Eduardo Moreira da Silva
Department of Political Science
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
Leonardo Barros Soares
Department of Political Science
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
Joanna Wilson
Department of Biology
McMaster University
Sule Yaylaci
Department of Sociology
University of British Columbia
Changdong Zhang
Department of Political Science
Peking University
David Talukder
Centre d'Etude de la Vie Politique (CEVIPOL)
Université libre de Bruxelles
Julien Vrydagh
Department of Political Science
Vrije Universiteit Brussel and Université catholique de Louvain
University of British Columbia
Centre for the Study of Democratic Institutions
Vancouver, Canada
Harvard University
Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation
Cambridge, United States
Coady International Institute
St. Francis Xavier University
Antigonish, Canada
Deliberative Democracy Consortium
Washington, United States
Emily Carr University of Art + Design
Studio for Extensive Aesthetics / Design + Dynamic Media
Vancouver, Canada
International Observatory on Participatory Democracy
Barcelona, Spain
Kulturwissenschaftlichen Institut Essen (KWI)
Essen, Germany
McGill University
Centre for the Study of Democratic Citizenship
Montréal, Québec
McMaster University
Office of Research and International Affairs
Hamilton, Ontario
Nanyang Technological University
Public Policy and Global Affairs Programme
National Coalition for Dialogue and Deliberation
Boston, Massachusetts
Peking University
Co-Innovation Center for State Governance
Institute of Political Development and Governance
Beijing, China
Pennsylvania State University
The McCourtney Institute for Democracy
Pennsylvania, United States
Regional Authority for the Promotion of Participation (APP)
Regional Council of Tuscany
Firenze, Italia
Syracuse University
Program for the Advancement of Research on Conflict and Collaboration (PARCC)
Syracuse, New York
Simon Fraser University
Centre for Sustainable Development
Burnaby, Canada
Tsinghua University
Department of Political Science
Beijing, China
Universidade de Coimbra
Centro de Estudo Sociais
Coimbra, Portugal
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
Departamento de Ciência Política
Belo Horizonte, Brazil
University of Alberta
Centre for Public Involvement
Edmonton, Canada
University of Arkansas Clinton School of Public Service
Little Rock, United States
Università di Bologna
Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche e Sociali
Bologna, Italy
University of British Columbia
InterPARES Trust
Vancouver, Canada
University of British Columbia
W. Maurice Young Centre for Applied Ethics
Vancouver, Canada
University of Canberra
Institute for Governance and Policy Analysis
Canberra, Australia
Université de Montreal
Centre d'études et de recherches internationals (CÉRIUM)
Montreal, Canada
University of Southampton
Centre for Citizenship, Globalisation and Governance (C2G2)
Southampton, United Kingdom
University of Toronto
Centre for Ethics
Toronto, Canada
University of Toronto-Scarborough
Centre for Critical Development Studies
Toronto, Canada
University of the Western Cape
Department of Political Studies
Bellville, South Africa
University of Westminster
Centre for the Study of Democracy
London, United Kingdom
World Bank Institute
ICT4Gov Program
Washington, United States
WZB Berlin Social Science Center
Research Unit Democracy and Democratization
Berlin, Germany

Participedia’s committees are comprised of project co-investigators and collaborators and are headed by a nominated chairperson who sits on the executive committee.

Participedia's executive committee comprises the chairs of each standing committee and it's meetings are open to any member of our extended team or co-signatories to the project's SSHRC Partnership Grant (co-investigators, collaborators, and administrative representative of partner institutions).

Marco Adria, Chair, Communication & Knowledge Mobilization Committee
Centre for Public Involvement
University of Alberta
Amber Frid-Jimenez, Participedia Design Lead and Chair, Design & Technology Committee
Faculty of Design + Dynamic Media and Director, Studio for Extensive Aesthetics
Emily Carr University of Art + Design
Archon Fung, Co-Founder
Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation
Harvard University
Patrick L. Scully, (member ex officio), Managing Director
Matt Ryan, Chair, Research Design Committee
Centre for the Study of Democracy
University of Westminster
Joanna Ashworth and Bettina Von Lieres, Co-Chairs, Teaching, Training and Mentoring Committee
Centre for Sustainable Development
Simon Fraser University
Centre for Critical Development Studies
University of Toronto-Scarborough
Mark E. Warren, Participedia Project Director and Co-Founder
Department of Political Science / Centre for the Study of Democratic Institutions
University of British Columbia

The Design & Technology Team uses participatory design methods to research and respond to the needs and goals of the Participedia community and is responsible for developing and testing the open source Participedia.net platform. The open source codebase for the platform is available on Github. The D&T Team is committed to equity, diversity, inclusion and student mentorship, and operates out of the Studio for Extensive Aesthetics at Emily Carr University of Art + Design. Its members, including student and professional designers and technologists, contribute to the design and development of Participedia under the leadership of Emily Carr faculty member Amber Frid-Jimenez, Canada Research Chair in Art and Design Technology and Director of the Studio for Extensive Aesthetics.

Amber Frid-Jimenez, Design & Technology Team Lead & Art Director
Jesi Carson, Lead Designer & Communities Coordinator
Katherine Gillieson, Lead Graphic Designer
Stephan Garneau, Designer
Dethe Elza, Lead Developer
Andrea Del Rio, Designer & Developer
Alanna Scott, Developer
Sam Jiang, Designer & Developer
Kushal Goenka, Developer
Lydia Prince, Developer
David Ascher, Tech Lead
Patrick Scully, Managing Director
Scott Fletcher, Managing Editor

The communication and knowledge mobilization committee advises the executive committee on the planning, implementing, and refining of communications between research partners. The committee also advises on the optimization of external communications with and among the Participedia community by supporting the development of content for the website, newsletter, and social media channels.

Marco Adria, Co-investigator & Committee Chair
Centre for Public Involvement
University of Alberta
Jesi Carson, Lead Designer & Communities Coordinator
Studio for Extensive Aesthetics
Emily Carr University of Art + Design
Sandy Heierbacher, Co-investigator
National Coalition for Dialogue and Deliberation
Matt Leighninger, Co-investigator
Yankelovich Center for Public Judgment
Public Agenda
Paolo Spada, Co-investigator
Centro de Estudo Sociais
Universidade de Coimbra
Secchi Michelangelo, Research Assistant
Centro de Estudo Sociais
University of Coimbra
Scott Fletcher, Managing Editor
Department of Political Science / Centre for the Study of Democratic Institutions
University of British Columbia

The teaching, training, and mentoring committee is responsible for integrating Participedia materials into pedagogy, teaching, student involvement, and training resources for practitioners and public officials.

Joanna Ashworth, Co-investigator
Centre for Sustainable Development
Simon Fraser University
Ibhawoh Bonny, Co-investigator
Department of History
McMaster University
Katie Knobloch, Collaborator
Department of Communication
Colorado State University
Julien Landry, Collaborator
Coady International Institute
St Francis Xavier University
Marjorie Correa Marona, Collaborator
Department of Political Science
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
Françoise Montambeaul, Co-investigator
Département de science politique
Université de Montréal
Tina Nabatchi, Co-investigator
Program for the Advancement of Research on Conflict and Collaboration (PARCC)
Syracuse University/Maxwell School
Laurence Piper, Co-investigator
Department of Political Science
University of the Western Cape
Matthew Ryan, Co-investigator
Centre for Citizenship, Governance and Globalization
University of Southampton
Timothy Shaffer
Department of Communication Studies
Kansas State University
Nancy Thomas
Institute for Democracy & Higher Education
Tufts U
Bettina von Lieres, Co-investigator
Centre for Critical Development Studies
University of Toronto-Scarborough
Ethan Way, Research Assistant
University of Toronto-Scarborough

The research design committee sets the strategic direction of Participedia’s research agenda.

Leonardo Avritzer, Co-investigator
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
Selen Ercan
University of Canberra
Matt Leighninger, Collaborator
Deliberative Democracy Consortium / Public Agenda
Peter Loewen, Co-investigator
University of Toronto
Michael MacKenzie, Collaborator
University of Pittsburgh
Patrizia Nanz, Co-investigator
Research College / University of Duisburg-Essen
Lucy Parry, Research Associate
University of Canberra
Matthew Ryan, Co-investigator
University of Southampton
Graham Smith, Co-investigator
University of Westminster
Dietlind Stolle, Co-investigator
McGill University
Mark E. Warren, Project Director, Co-Founder and Principal Investigator
Department of Political Science / Centre for the Study of Democratic Institutions
University of British Columbia

Participedia is currently supported by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) through a five-year Partnership Grant beginning in April 2015.

The Design & Technology Team operates out of the Studio for Extensive Aesthetics at Emily Carr University of Art & Design, and is supported by the Canada Research Chairs Program and the Canada Foundation for Innovation.

Translation management software for this website is provided by Phrase.

The project was previously funded by a two-year SSHRC Partnership Grant from April 2011-2013. An earlier version of the Participedia website included a prototype for German language functionality, developed under the generous support of the Bertelsmann Foundation in 2012.

Participedia's core team of staff members maintain day-to-day operations, support the community, and ensure project goals are continually attained and refined.

Jesi Carson, Lead Designer & Communities Coordinator
Emily Carr University of Art + Design
Dethe Elza, Lead Developer
Scott Fletcher, Managing Editor
University of British Columbia
Rebecca Monnerat, Project Manager
University of British Columbia
Alanna Scott, Developer
Patrick L. Scully, Managing Director
Mark E. Warren, Project Director, Co-Founder and Principal Investigator
Department of Political Science / Centre for the Study of Democratic Institutions
University of British Columbia