In order for local communities to become more democratically engaged and have an avenue for their local concerns, the Hampton Bishop Parish Council in Herefordshire used participatory budgeting to "people-proof" their proposals.
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Problems and Purpose
In 2009, Hampton Bishop Parish Council set aside £500 of its £6,500 annual Precept and sought the views of local residents as to how it was spent [1]. This followed a recent wave of people power which swept across Herefordshire, fuelled by the need to ensure local communities identify local priorities, to maximise the impact of local benefit despite reduced local resources. In 2010 ten parish councils across Herefordshire worked to the PB ethos. Parish Council Precepts for 2012/13 was ‘people proofed’ and the Unitary Authority explored the possibility of working through Parish Councils to gain local views on their draft budget. This process enlivens and strengthens local communities as funding is focused on the wishes of local people. The ‘feel good’ factor flourishes, even through an economic downturn.
Background History and Context
Organizing, Supporting, and Funding Entities
Participant Recruitment and Selection
Methods and Tools Used
This initiative uses participatory budgeting, an increasingly common method of democratic innovation broadly described as "a decision-making process through which citizens deliberate and negotiate over the distribution of public resources." There are many benefits associated with participatory budgeting including increased civic and democratic education; increased government transparency; and an increased opportunity for participation by historically marginalized populations [1].
What Went On: Process, Interaction, and Participation
Influence, Outcomes, and Effects
Analysis and Lessons Learned
See Also
Hampshire County's 'Have Your Say' Participatory Budgeting
[1] Hereford Times (2009, May 5). "Villagers given say on how cash will be spent." Hereford Times. Retrieved from
External Links
Overview from the Herefordshire Association of Local Councils: [dead link]
Lead Image: Hampton Bishop Parish Council