Problems and purposes
“Parco Libera Tutti” is a participatory co-planning process, born from the need to regenerate the largest public green area in the city of Certaldo, which has been under-used for some time. The specific objective of the project is the creation of an inclusive park, that is an attractive public space, without barriers and obstacles, designed to be accessible to all, regardless of age, motor, sensory or psychic abilities and where to carry out activities that educate everyone. social inclusion and intergenerational exchange. At the same time, the project pursues a more general purpose: to stimulate a debate in the community on the city as a place of inclusion and collaboration, where citizens, driven by a renewed sense of belonging to their territory, play an active role within of civil society. The project, in fact, stood out because it is inclusive both in the aims and in the planning methods, which have favored a “bottom-up” construction, thanks to the broadest possible involvement of the local community.
The “Parco Libera Tutti” participatory course took place in the city of Certaldo, a Tuscan town of about 16,000 inhabitants, which is part of the Metropolitan City of Florence. Certaldo has a high old age index [1] , a high incidence of families in conditions of social hardship and a high percentage of foreign residents [2]. However, it is a context characterized by an extremely lively and developed associative fabric, sensitive to issues such as social inclusion, assistance to the disabled and enhancement of the artistic and cultural heritage.
The project area, which extends for about 30,000 square meters, is located north of the city, in an area particularly suitable for becoming a hub of regeneration and social inclusion, thanks to characteristics such as: ideal morphology (flat area), widespread presence of welfare, teaching and sports facilities, varied social backgrounds of the population, with many children under 14 and many over-65s [3].
The project is part of the maintenance and redevelopment program of Certaldo's green spaces, which the municipal administration has been carrying out since 2015 [4]. The area covered by the project is the last and largest on which to work. In general terms, attention to the issues of sociality and accessibility represents one of the priorities of the political agenda of the Municipality of Certaldo.
In 2015, interventions were carried out for the extraordinary maintenance and replacement of the games in four public green areas of the municipal area: via Picasso, via Fiorentina, via Trento and piazza Salvo d'Acquisto, for a total investment of approximately 36,000 euros. In 2016 the works involved a further six public green areas: the one between viale Matteotti and via Marx, between via De Amicis and via Cavallotti in the Borgo Farm, in Largo Elsa cross of via Potente, in the gardens named after the city of Neruruppin located in via La Pira, on the way up via del Castello, and in Certaldo Alto in the Alberelli square, for a total cost of 25,800 euros [5].
" The Administration thus continues to implement what was announced at the beginning of the mandate: the redevelopment of the country both with large interventions, and with small but important extraordinary maintenance, such as those of public gardens, spaces widely used by families and children, with the aim of allow all our children to play and have fun in maximum safety "[6].
Promoters and lenders
The project was born thanks to the interest of some local associations and cooperatives, which came together spontaneously, showing the strong desire to intervene to redevelop the public green area located between via di Canonica and via Fratelli Cervi - space for some time underused.
In the following months, between September and December 2016, this participation from below has stimulated, given the convergence of interests, the involvement of further associations, whose scope of activity ranges between: physical and mental disability, active aging, childhood, interculturality, sport, school and teaching, art, environmental protection, enhancement of cultural heritage, etc.
The solicitation to intervene in this area was subsequently accepted by the municipal administration which, sharing the requests put forward by the citizens, considered it appropriate to activate a process of public consultation. Furthermore, the Municipality has made itself available, as leader, to make a request for support for the participatory process pursuant to the Regional Law on participation no. 46/2013. In addition to the municipal administration, about 40 associations and cooperatives in the area have joined the proposal. The Authority for the Guarantee and Promotion of Participation, with Resolution no. 32 of 5 May 2017, approved the “Parco Libera Tutti. An inclusive path in Certaldo ”, assigning a loan of 12,000 euros. From the economic-financial statement of the resources employed, contained in the Final Report of the path [7], it appears that the Municipality of Certaldo has contributed to supporting, to the extent of 40%, the expenses relating to "planning, management and management / facilitation of the processes ", Equal to 10,000 euros. The total cost for carrying out the participatory process amounts to 16,000 euros.
Selection of participants
“Free All Park. An inclusive path in Certaldo ”is a participatory project open to all citizens, in line with the plural and inclusive approach, which constitutes the fulcrum of this experience. The selection mechanism used was, therefore, that of the “open door”, ie self-selection. “ Participatory processes based on the self-selection of participants are substantially open to all interested parties; those who participate have decided to do so consciously and of their own free will ”[8].
The starting phase of the path, in order to inform and involve citizens, was divided into a series of activities:
· Development of information materials for the launch of the participatory path to be distributed to the public, through door-to-door leaflets and posting of posters and playbills;
· Activation of a dedicated space within the Open Toscana Partecipa portal, to give the possibility to participate, not only physically, but also online;
Activation of a Facebook page, to promote the route;
· Creation of the dedicated website , with detailed information on the project, on the progress of the work, on the scheduled events and on the donations necessary to reach the set monetary goals;
Fine-tuning of the list of subjects to be involved, through a qualitative research, i.e. using semi-structured interviews with: representatives of associations and cooperatives in the area, long-term residents, policy makers of the Municipality of Certaldo, managers of local educational establishments;
· Communication campaign conducted on the institutional portal of the Municipality of Certaldo and also through websites, Facebook pages and mailing lists of member associations and cooperatives;
· Definition of the calendar of activities, to be disseminated both through traditional channels and via the web;
Organization of an opening event of the co-planning process, to inform citizens about the project and how to participate, as well as to raise awareness on the theme of social inclusion, all within a large party, which celebrated inclusion , the fun and the desire to be together; the event was organized in collaboration with 32 associations and cooperatives in the area, which intervened voluntarily, setting up their own space and offering playful and entertainment activities for adults and children.
Methods and tools
The first phase of the process, dedicated to listening, made use of the tool of direct interviews , to identify, involve and map any critical issues, together with the main stakeholders; in other words, we wanted to create, through a moment of personal involvement, a constructive dialogue and a bond of trust between the “designers” and the final recipients of the process itself.
Even the inauguration party can be counted among the methodologies used: it, using animation and performance , had the aim of raising awareness, informing about the path, as well as collecting the first useful information to organize the subsequent phases of the participatory process. Finally, thematic tables were set up, that is a series of events in which small groups of people met in an informal way, in a climate of listening and mutual support, elaborating, in a shared way, the ideas useful for the elaboration of a preliminary design for the park.
Deliberations, decisions and interaction with the public
The inaugural event, held on 2/09/2017, took place on the green area covered by the participatory path and saw the participation of 32 associations and about 600 citizens, who interacted vividly with each other, in the setting of a big party, full of fun and sharing. The objectives achieved were the following:
· Information to citizens on the “Parco Libera Tutti” project;
· Raising awareness on the issue of social inclusion;
· Activation of a collaboration network between associations and cooperatives operating in the area;
· Presence of the population in an area usually excluded from city life;
· Demonstration of the potential of the area;
· Start of the fundraising campaign for the construction of the park: 1,800 euros were raised.
The first thematic table (30/09/2017) was organized by proposing some questions to be discussed together: “How do you imagine the park? How it's done? Who do you meet? What do you find? ". About 50 people took part, from various backgrounds - professionals, school representatives, citizens interested in the project, members of associations and many parents of school-age children - who were divided into four co-planning tables (A, B, C , D). As underlined in the Report of the discussion [9], the atmosphere has always been very serene and collaborative, of mutual listening and discussion. In particular, table D, composed mainly of people belonging to the world of associations - with different points of view and interests - developed a shared reflection among all the participants, with a spirit of aggregation and attention to the most disparate social issues [10] .
Numerous proposals emerged from the debate, such as, for example:
· Creation of "focal points", to accommodate inclusive activities (covered point, educational garden, show point, book exchange point);
· Attention to the symbolic aspects of the park: no fencing, care of the greenery, absence of a main entrance;
· Creation of a social garden, a sensory garden, areas for events and a free access Wi-Fi zone;
· Attention to safety and to the naturalistic aspect of the park;
· Management of the park entrusted to a "single direction", capable of coordinating the various initiatives and scheduled activities.
The second appointment with the thematic tables (21/10/2017) was held around two topics of discussion:
· "Inclusive green: playful-recreational activities, and care of the environment";
· "Canonical yesterday, today and tomorrow: historical roots and new identities".
Also on this occasion, over fifty people attended, which were divided into three tables (table A - Canonica yesterday, today and tomorrow; tables A and B - inclusive green). In particular, the memorial table saw the participation of many people, attracted by the discussion on the Villa di Canonica: a structure now in a state of neglect, located on the edge of the park, which represents, for the inhabitants of Certaldo, an open and unsolved [11].
The third appointment with the thematic tables (11/11/2017) dealt with the following topics:
· "Sport as a moment of recreation, socializing and meeting": 15 people attended the table (including representatives of associations and sports clubs) who, in a proactive and cordial atmosphere, showed a strong interest in contributing to the park project [12];
· "Shared management: a model of collaboration for Certaldo": around 24 people took part in the table: representatives of associations, individual citizens, a representative of the Administration, invited as head of the maintenance sector and, for almost the entire duration of the meeting, the Mayor and Deputy Mayor were also present. The climate has always remained serene, at times more heated, with a high level of involvement [13].
The fourth and last appointment (25/11/2017) was dedicated exclusively to the little ones and had the aim of involving children in the participation project, using for the purpose playful-recreational tools, which would allow them to express their own creativity through play, music, drawing, bricolage and "fiction". More than 30 children attended, accompanied by their parents. In particular, 4 workstations - which could be accessed freely - were set up dedicated to various activities ( stickers game, co-design table, “ideas trombone”) [14].
“ It is also worth underlining how some people who participated in the previous meetings spontaneously offered to contribute and help in the conduct of the day, demonstrating a real collaborative trust ” [15].
The participatory path ended on 28/01/2018 with a final return event , which had as its objective "to celebrate" the goals achieved thanks to the "Parco Libera Tutti" project. On that occasion, the project Masterplan and the "Guidelines" were presented: documents elaborated on the basis of suggestions, ideas and wishes that emerged during the co-design tables. A video was also shown created with all the photographic images taken during the months of the journey, using as a backing track a song written, specifically and spontaneously, by one of the participants. In general, the participation was numerous (70 people) and was also able to count on the presence of the Mayor, who expressed his desire for the project to be examined by the technical offices.
The entire path made use of the expertise of facilitators, i.e. professionals, experts in participation, specialized in managing small groups and in encouraging interaction between people. Specifically, the company “Narrazioni Urbane” of Florence was commissioned. There is a lack of data to evaluate the effort made in terms of internal training, in order to internalize the participatory process.
As regards the satisfaction of the path by the participants, an ex-post evaluation questionnaire was administered during the final event [16]: in general, this tool recorded a high level of satisfaction. Specifically, with regard to the main actions carried out by the participants, it emerges that: 39% "listened to interventions and proposals", 20% "presented proposals", 23% "supported other people's proposals", 18% it “mobilized others to participate”; finally, 59% of the participants considered the climate in which the entire course took place "very good" and 41% "optimal" [17].
Influence, results and effects
The conspicuous participation in the “Parco Libera Tutti. An inclusive path in Certaldo ", had the merit of initiating, within the local community, a real general and widespread debate on the issues of sharing, accessibility and inclusiveness, consequently stimulating a renewed sense of belonging and social cohesion among citizens. " The" inclusive park "has become a topic of debate recognized and particularly felt by the community, which has made it their own " [18]. “ The co-design of the park has become a symbol: the symbol that we can and must work together to build the future together [19]”.
Initiatives have sprung from this awareness that go beyond the object of the path itself. For example, the municipal administration, recognizing the importance of concertation processes, wanted to experiment with new self-managed participatory moments: in fact, discussion tables were planned both within the development process of the Urban Plan for Sustainable Mobility (PUMS) and for the planning of the Municipal Operational Plan (POC).
The Project also facilitated direct knowledge between the various associations and cooperatives in the area, highlighting the desire to activate forms of transversal collaboration, even outside the specific objectives of the project.
Among the results obtained we can also include the project Masterplan relating to the park area, presented on the occasion of the final event of the route: it is a general project, which represents the graphic display of all the proposals, suggestions, ideas and will emerged during the six months of co-planning through the work tables.
No less important is the birth of a "permanent table", designed to follow the future developments of the project, keeping the same spirit of collaboration alive. It " is the tangible sign that this procedure has made school and can not only continue on this theme, but be extended to other themes starting from this core and these modalities " [20].
A further result is represented by the fact that the inclusive park of Certaldo can exist even before starting the planned structural works. The path, in fact, has shown that true inclusiveness consists in doing inclusive activities together: associations, cooperatives and citizens involved have immediately shown their willingness to do so.
The enthusiasm and the desire for the park's dream to become an operational project also emerge from the good results obtained with the fundraising campaign, currently underway.
In the future, we can recall that some proposals that emerged during the discussions of the table dedicated to "new models of shared management", were considered as a possible model to be proposed again in other municipal areas.
In conclusion, it is worth remembering that the "Parco Libera Tutti" project was presented as a good practice both at the Festival of the accessible city of Foligno [21] and during the workshop "Integrated policies - cities accessible to all" [22], at of the III Regional Conference on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 2017, held in Campi Bisenzio.
Analysis and lessons learned
" Participatory processes are not simple arenas in which to form opinions and to define decisions, but they are also places for individual and collective learning: through participatory processes, participants are offered the opportunity to broaden their knowledge and update themselves . Furthermore, they can refine "democratic skills" such as, for example, knowing how to listen and accept those who think differently, take into account the opinions of others, argue together, build consensus, develop a common point of view or even develop strategies for conflict resolution. The personal utility that derives from a refinement of one's social and communication skills can already represent a goal in itself of participation.
In addition to contributing to the process of forming a political point of view, participatory processes also have to do with the empowerment of the participants, with the activation of civic engagement and a mobilization in support of an active participation in life. politics "[23].
In this perspective, the participatory path “Parco Libera Tutti. An inclusive path in Certaldo ", has favored the creation of a shared vision, as well as a planning capacity coming from below, by all the citizens involved, with the common intention of enhancing their territory; this was possible by creating or restoring a "sense of appearance", which made the participants more attentive, aware and also more active within the public sphere.
Secondary sources and links
[1] Data as of 01/01/2017. The Municipality is home to 212.1 elderly people for every 100 young people. Source: [last accessed: 02/09/2018].
[2] Final report “Parco Libera Tutti. An inclusive path in Certaldo ”, 2017, p. 2.
[3] Densely populated area, with 200 under-14s and 342 over-65s. Source: ISTAT, 2011.
[4] Final report “Parco Libera Tutti. An inclusive path in Certaldo ”, 2017, p. 4.
[5] Source: [last accessed 02/09/2018].
[6] Ibid .
[7] Final report “Parco Libera Tutti. An inclusive path in Certaldo ”, 2017, p. 14.
[8] Nanz P., Fritsche M., Citizen participation: a handbook. Participatory methods: protagonists, opportunities and limits , Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, Bonn, 2010.
[9] Report "Thematic tables - 1 appointment", 30/09/2017, pp. 3 and 6.
[10] Ibidem , p. 12.
[11] Final report “Parco Libera Tutti. An inclusive path in Certaldo ”, 2017, p. 7.
[12] Report "Thematic tables - 3 appointment", 11/11/2017, p. 3.
[13] Ibidem , p. 6.
[14] For more details, see: “Junior Design” Report, 25/11/2017.
[15] Final report “Parco Libera Tutti. An inclusive path in Certaldo ”, 2017, p. 8.
[16] Out of a total of 70 participants in the final event, 44 completed questionnaires were returned.
[17] For more details, see: Final report “Parco Libera Tutti. An inclusive path in Certaldo ", 2017, pp. 9-12.
[18] Ibidem , p. 4.
[19] Source: [last accessed 03/09/2018].
[20] Final report “Parco Libera Tutti. An inclusive path in Certaldo ”, 2017, p. 12.
[21] On 22/09/2017. Source: [last accessed 03/09/2018].
[22] On 13/10/2017. Source: ibidem .
[23] Nanz P., Fritsche M., op. cit., p. 50.case_body_placeholder
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Most of the information contained in this item comes from the information material, the reports and the Final Report by the Narrazioni Urbane di Firenze company, as well as from the news disseminated by local online newspapers and institutional websites.
Photo source:
· Http://