Youth organized march on Washington DC July 19, 2018 to demand action on climate change as a social justice issue.
Problems and Purpose
This march was organized by high school students to mobilize youth communities in New York to march against climate change and for envirionmental justice.
Jamie Margolin, a 16-year-old rising high school junior from Washington State, founded Zero Hour in 2017 to combat political apathy on climate and environmental justice. Iris Fen Gillingham, who the leads the partnerships team for Zero Hour, helped organize the event and wrote a high-profile op-ed for TeenVogue[1].
Originating Entities and Funding
Donations are accepted and they work with [2] The Action Network [3] the Sierra Club,, the Climate Reality Project, Indivenous Environmental Network, Women's March Youth Empower, The Years Project, 350 Mass for a Better Future, Alliance for Climate Education, Baltimore Beyond Plastic, Better Future project, Biodiversity for a Livable Climate, Bye Bye Plastics bags, Care about Climate, Chesapeake Climate Action Network, Chesapeake Bay Foundation, Citizens' Climate Lobby, Earth Guardians, Hip Hop Caucus, iMatter, Rising Hearts, Schools for Climate Action, Sustain US Youth for Justice and Sustainability, among others.
Participant Recruitment and Selection
Open, sister [5] and international rallies like London's July 21[6] are encouraged, with materials distributed. Local organizations like the Rokway Youth Task force joined the march, and unaffiliated individuals did as well.
Methods and Tools Used
Public march, demand for "Just Transition" to divest away from fossil fuels[6] and ending the extractive economy.
Deliberation, Decisions, and Public Interaction
Public March from Trump Tower to UN offices in New York, open to anyone who wanted to join.
Influence, Outcomes, and Effects
Unclear from website, further contact with organization is needed.
Analysis and Lessons Learned
Unclear from website, further contact with organization is needed.
Secondary Sources
External Links
Coverage of the turnout from on youtube, 3rd link (