Mission and Purpose
The association has put down the following objectives: (i) create tools that help citizen to evaluate public policy and the activities of the elected; (ii) promote the use of public data; (iii) promote free licence of public data; and (iv) support the release of public data.
History Specializations and activities
Regards Citoyens strives to make parliamentary information clear, accessible for all and support the development of citizenship expertise.
Major projects and events
Since its creation, Regards Citoyens has launched various initiatives. The main project of Regards Citoyens to date is the parliamentary informatics project NosDéputés, launched in September 2009. NosDéputés offers citizens new instruments that allow them to analyze and understand the work of the elected representatives in the French National Assembly.
A part from NosDéputés, they also offer an application by which users can follow parliamentary debates via Twitter, and have conducted studies on the impact of the electoral boundary reform and on the MPs' presence in Parliament. In 2010, Regards Citoyens finalized a study about the influence of lobby groups on Parliament jointly with the French branch of Transparency International.
Funding Publications Secondary Sources
Ostling A. (2012). “Parliamentary informatics projects – who are their users and what is their impact?” (2012). eJournal of eDemocracy and Open Government (JeDEM).Vol 4, No 2 (2012). Accessible at: http://www.jedem.org/issue/current
External Links