Women Reclaiming AI (WRAI )aims to reclaim female voices in the development of future AI systems by empowering self-identifying women to harness conversational AI as a medium for protest.
Mission and Purpose
WRAI aims to reclaim female voices in the development of future AI systems by empowering self-identifying women to harness conversational AI as a medium for protest.
Origins and Development
WRAI is a response to the pervasive depiction of AI voice assistants gendered as women, subordinate and serving. Designed by development teams which lack diversity these systems are embedded with unrepresentative worldviews and stereotyping which reinforce traditional gender roles.
Organizational Structure, Membership, and Funding
This project is created by artists - technologists Coral Manton and Birgitte Aga in collaboration with an ever evolving community of self-identifying women.
Specializations, Methods and Tools
Activism, discursive design, community participation.
Major Projects and Events
See: https://womenreclaimingai.com/
Analysis and Lessons Learned
Aga, B. and Manton, C. (2021) ‘Women Reclaiming AI’. In: M. Wiberg, with A. Taylor and D. Rosner (eds.) INTERACTIONS, Volume XXVIII.1, Association for Computing Machinery: New York, p. 96.
See Also
Artificia, Featured Project, “Women Reclaiming AI”, [website feature] (January 2021)
Interactions, XXVIII.1, “Women Reclaiming AI”, [magazine] (January – February 2021)
AI LAB Radio, #4: Birgitte Aga & Coral Manton, [intervjue] (October 2020)
Ars Electronica, Out of the Box, “Women Reclaiming AI”, [website feature] (2019)