
Scope of Operations & Activities
Non-Profit or Non Governmental
General Issues
Identity & Diversity
Specific Topics
Ethnic/Racial Relations
General Types of Tools/Techniques
Inform, educate and/or raise awareness
Specific Methods, Tools & Techniques
Civic Education


European Civic Education Foundation

January 13, 2020 Jaskiran Gakhal, Participedia Team
February 4, 2013 ECEF
January 19, 2011 ECEF
Scope of Operations & Activities
Non-Profit or Non Governmental
General Issues
Identity & Diversity
Specific Topics
Ethnic/Racial Relations
General Types of Tools/Techniques
Inform, educate and/or raise awareness
Specific Methods, Tools & Techniques
Civic Education

The European Civic Education Foundation is a nongovernmental organization based in Hungary, which aims to teach democratic ideals and combat racism or xenophobia in Europe.

Mission and Purpose

ECEF deals as "think tank" and "enabler" with the themes of learning how to teach and to learn, learning democracy and human rights, combating racism, bullying and other aggressions. ECEF members are living in various European countries. ECEF is registered at Veresegyház near Budapest as an NGO and non-profit organisation.

Targets of European Civic Education Foundation:

Contributing the set up of an European Public Sphere, combating racism, xenophobia and related bad habits. ECEF supports lifelong learning issues for a better work-life balance, soc. new enlightenment and democratic citizenship – ECEF plans to develop a European framework and portfolio for civic education (standards for "political education") and is striving to establish an "European Literacy Center for Civic Education“.

Origins and Development 

Organizational Structure, Membership, and Funding

Specializations, Methods and Tools

The European Civic Education Foundation works on teaching democracy, anti-racism work, life-long learning, brain-compatible learning how to learn, service and inter-cultural learning and the development of a soc. European Public Sphere. ECEF strives to create and develop new methods how to teach and to learn democratic behavior. This new methodology of civic education is called "implicit social learning". ECEF supports schools, androgenic institutions, universities and all other education stakeholders.

Major Projects and Events

ECEF is working on sustainable acquisition of civic virtues, civic skills and civic knowledge. ECEF promotes interdisciplinary studies by integrating the latest findings from science and research, such as brain and genetic research. ECEF cooperates with experts from educational sciences, cognitive research, ethology, pedagogy and neurobiology - with lawyers, psychologists, sociologists and political scientists. ECEF organizes a popular antiracist exhibition known as "All related, all different", directs trainings and workshops like reThink!, projects like Young Civic Radio – Europe, is managing seminars, lectures, events, consultations, coaching, and produces internet publications.

Analysis and Lessons Learned


See Also

Civic Education


External Links
