Mission and Purpose
Founded in 2008, the ICPC is the "Institut de la Concertation et de la Participation Citoyenne" (Institute for dialog and citizen participation). It is a non-partisan, non-profit French national network of praticioners engaged in citizen participation, stakeholders dialogue and consensus building. It is made of consultants, academics, trainers, people working for local communities. It aims to reinforce links between practioners, to provoque exchanges about the theoretical and methodological basis of its members' know-how and to analyse the actual process of professionalization of the field of citizen participation and stakeholder dialogue.
Number of members (1200 people on 2018) is currently growing. About 30% of them are private consultants, 15% are members of non-profit local organizations and foundations, 15% are salarees of local collectivities, others are researchers, students and trainers.
The Institut de la concertation organizes workshops and meetings according to the initiatives of its members. It also leads collective working groups (made of public institutions, NGOs, firms, local collectivities, etc.), dedicated to investigate and improve practices in the field of public participation.
External Links
Institut de la Concertation et de la Participation Citoyenne