The FNC represent Colombian coffee growers and aims to increase their quality of life. It has a democratic and participatory governance model with regular elections
Mission and Purpose
The Colombian Coffee Growers Federation / Federacion de Cafeteros (FNC) is a non-profit organisation aimed at: increasing the quality of life for coffee growers; promoting sustainable practices; and marketing Colombian coffee internationally. The FNC pursues its mission through a democratically structured governance model.
Origins and Development
The FNC was founded in 1927 and now represents over 340,000 coffee growers in Colombia [1].
Organizational Structure, Membership, and Funding
The FNC operates on the municipal, national and international level. It has several committee levels with elected representatives on each level.
Specializations, Methods and Tools
Major Projects and Events
Analysis and Lessons Learned
See Also
[1] Federacion de Cafeteros (2020). Structure. Available at: (Accessed on 30 July 2020).
External Links
The first submission of this Participedia entry was adapted from an entry by the Institute of Development Studies as part of their research project 'Linking Participation and Economic Advancement’ licensed and reproduced under Creative Commons (CC BY 3.0):