Run by and for disabled people, with 5000+ members across Greater Glasgow, GDA connects disabled people with each other, with opportunities, and with decision makers through fully accessible learning, coaching, and events.
Mission and Purpose
"GDA aims to support people with disabilities in the Greater Glasgow area to participate on a full and equal basis in all aspects of their lives and communities, and within society. ... Through fully accessible programmes of learning and events, GDA supports people with disabilities and people with long- term conditions to come together, to build confidence, social connections, and make contributions through peer support, civic participation, and sharing their lived experience to influence change." [1]
Origins and Development
Organizational Structure, Membership, and Funding
Specializations, Methods and Tools
Major Projects and Events
Analysis and Lessons Learned
See Also
Participatory Budgeting in Glasgow
[1] Harkins, C. (2019). A GCPH report for Glasgow City Council: An evaluation of Glasgow City participatory budgeting pilot wards 2018/19., p. 10.