The Sociocracy Consulting Group aims to "use a whole systems approach that creates more inclusive and effective organizations, in which all stakeholders’ voices matter" to improve productivity and "establish a culture that encourages all stakeholders to speak their mind." [1]
Mission and Purpose
Sociocracy Consulting Group's vision is a world where equivalence, transparency, and effectiveness are the norms in organizational governance structures and decision making. In order to achieve this, their mission is to introduce, implement, and support sociocracy — also known as dynamic governance — in organizations of all types.
The organization provides consulting services for learning and applying sociocracy, from simple interventions in meetings to sophisticated training, facilitation, implementation consulting, mentoring, and coaching.
Origins and Development
The Sociocracy Consulting Group was formed in mid-2011 by a collection of individual practitioners and consultants who met in online trainings and a sociocracy learning circle and decided to pool resources, skills and talents.
Organizational Structure, Membership, and Funding
The consulting group is legally organized as an LLC, and charges money for their services. They are focused on bringing sociocratic principles and practices to all sectors, including but not limited to businesses, non-profits, educational and academic, faith-based, grassroots, government entities, and membership associations.
Specializations, Methods and Tools
Major Projects and Events
Analysis and Lessons Learned
Publications contributed to by their various member consultants can be found in the Resources section of their website.
See Also (organization)
[1] The Sociocracy Consulting Group. Helping Organizations Thrive. Retrieved 11/27/2020 from
External Links