Supported by various international agencies, Ethiopia's second five-year Plan aims to 1) achieve the UNSDGs, and 2) double the nation's annual GDP. Strategies are wide-ranging but focus on individual and institutional capacity building and good governance.
Problems and Purpose
With the help of various international agencies, Ethiopia's second five-year "Growth and Transformation Plan" (GTPII) has two primary goals: 1) achieve the UN's Sustainable Development Goals, and 2) double the nation's annual GDP. The main supporter for the Plan is Germany's Corporation for International Cooperation GmbH (GIZ) which prioritizes efforts assist the Ethiopian government in "labour-market-oriented education and training; sustainable land management, agriculture and food supply; and biodiversity." GIZ also supports ongoing efforts to strengthen urban governance and decentralization, improve civil infrastructure and public service delivery, adopt renewable energies, and manage political conflict."[1]
Background History and Context
Organizing, Supporting, and Funding Entities
Participant Recruitment and Selection
Methods and Tools Used
The foundational strategies used to achieve the Growth and Transformation Plan II's goals include:
i) Sustain[ing] the rapid, broad based and equitable economic growth and development witnessed during the last decade;
ii) Increas[ing] the productive capacity and efficiency to reach the economy’s production possibility frontier through concurrently improving quality, productivity and competitiveness of productive sectors (agriculture and manufacturing industries);
iii) Speed[ing] up and catalyse transformation of the domestic private sector and render[ing] them a capable development force;
iv) Build[ing] the capacity of the domestic construction industry, bridg[ing] critical infrastructure gaps with particular focus on ensuring the quality of infrastructure services through strengthening the implementation capacity of the construction sector;
v) Properly manag[ing] and administer[ing] the on-going rapid urbanization to unlock its potential for sustaining growth and structural transformation of the economy;
vi) Accelerat[ing] human development and technological capacity building and ensur[ing] its sustainability;
vii) Establish[ing] democratic and developmental good governance through enhancing implementation capacity of the public sector and mobilization of public participation;
viii) Promot[ing] women and youth empowerment, ensur[ing] their participation in the development process and enabl[ing] them equitably benefit from the outcomes of development;
ix) Build[ing] climate resilient green economy."[2]
What Went On: Process, Interaction, and Participation
Influence, Outcomes, and Effects
Analysis and Lessons Learned
See Also
[1] "Ethiopia," Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit,
[2] National Planning Commission, "Growth and Transformation Plan II (GTP II)," May 2016,