Mehr Demokratie is a German non-profit organization that advocates direct democracy and citizen participation and electoral reform in Germany and the EU. The organization advises initiators of citizens' and popular initiatives.
Mission and Purpose
A non-partisan, non-profit organization, Mehr Demokratie aims to promote popular and citizens' initiatives as well as electoral law reform in Germany and the European Union. They are motivated by the belief that in municipalities and states, in the federal government and in the European Union, people should be able to make fair votes on important issues.
Origins and Development
Citizens committed to change founded Mehr Demokratie in 1988.
Organizational Structure, Membership, and Funding
As of 2012, the organization had 12 regional branches, 11 offices and more than 5,624 member, making Mehr Demokratie the largest non-party organization promoting democracy in the European Union.
Specializations, Methods and Tools
Major Projects and Events
Germany's Citizens' Assembly on Democracy (Bürgerrat Demokratie)
Strategy discussion 2010: Inviting all interested parties to participate in evaluating and revamping their referendum campaign, three strategy meetings were organized, guided by the central question of how to get the nationwide referendum introduced. To further open this debate, the Liquid Democracy association provided Mehr Demokratie with its Adhocracy online discussion platform, where suggestions and comments can be rated and sorted on users. The general meeting in November 2010 was to involve decision-making on the best proposals.
Analysis and Lessons Learned
See Also
Germany's Citizens' Assembly on Democracy (Bürgerrat Demokratie)
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External Links
Mehr Demokratie Official Website