
YourSAy is an online consultation platform operated by the Department of the Premier and Cabinet in South Australia. Through the platform, users can register to take part in polls, discussions, and budgeting decisions.

Mission and Purpose

YourSAy is an online consultation platform operated by the Department of the Premier and Cabinet in South Australia. Through the platform, users can register to take part in polls, discussions, and budgeting decisions. The website also provides citizens with a detailed calendar of participatory events happening around the state.

Origins and Development

The YourSAy platform was first used in 2010 during an update to the state-wide Strategic Plan. The initiative, South Australia's largest community engagement initiative to date, sought input from over 9000 residents through a mix of face-to-face and online interactions. Since then, YourSay has been used in over 100 different initiatives - from cycling law revisions to wildlife management.

Organizational Structure, Membership, and Funding

YourSAy is funded by the Department of the Premier and Cabinet in South Australia and managed under the state's community engagement program, 'Better Together'.

Specializations, Methods and Tools

YourSAy is primarily an online consultation platform although it describes itself as a community "hub" providing information and support for feedback on in-person consultations and various community engagement opportunities.

Major Projects and Events

With over 100 engagements under its belt, YourSAy has become the defacto hub of citizen-government interaction. A full list of past initiatives can be found here.

There are several in-depth case studies of initiatives using the YourSAy platform available on Participedia:

South Australia's Country Cabinets

Sharing the Roads Safely: a South Australian Citizens' Jury

Get to know Nuclear: Nuclear Fuel Cycle engagement in South Australia

Creating a Safe and Vibrant Adelaide Nightlife

Dog and Cat Management (South Australia)

Analysis and Lessons Learned


See Also


External Links

YourSAy Homepage

Facebook Page

