The Fifteenth of October Citizenship Institute seeks to strengthen social inclusion through reflective self-knowledge and multidisciplinary dialogue in the fine arts of music, dance, and theater in the Bela Vista community of Montenegro, Brazil.
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Mission and Purpose
The Fifteenth of October Citizenship Institute aims to seek the promotion of communities in the Bela Vista district of Montenegro, Brazil, aiming the emancipation of those involved. This is only possible through reflective self-knowledge, where the subject becomes critical of its own practice, projecting new actions.
Origins and Development
The organization is a civil and social association company localized in the State of Rio Grande do Sul. It is located on Oswaldo Aranha 1788 street. This company was founded in the year of 1950. Today, the organization employs 24 workers.
Institute Citizenship Fifteen of October is a nongovernmental organization, founded on March 23, 2003, in the city of Montenegro/RS, and has its headquarters in the city’s Metallurgics Sindicate. The founders were people engaged in popular movements.
Organizational Structure, Membership, and Funding
The organization employs 25 people and is financed mostly by Montenegro Arts Foundation, which is a non-profit institution of public-private constitution, with governmental and non-governmental resources.
Specializations, Methods, and Tools
The Institute uses participative-research to host project proposals, developing solutions to the problems faced by the community, since they believe in the effectiveness, ethics and responsibility of individuals. Participatory research is an effective method of research, committed qualitatively and quantitatively to promoting local development. The project development is focused on multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary dialogue in the areas of music, theater, dance and visual arts, reinforced by the relationship of reciprocity and collaboration built along the trajectory, in order to strength the culture of Bela Vista community.
Major Projects and Events
The projects are in the field of art and culture - theater, music, visual arts and dance – offering workshops for the target community, according to the local reality. For example, with the Food Sovereignty activity, they are repassed weekly, accompanied by formative activities held in the field of citizenship and food education.
‘’Art as educative element in the context of Bela Vista district’’ is a project done in association with FUNDARTE.
The charitable ‘Galeto’ occurs with the community, for divulgation and communion.
Analysis and Lessons Learned
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See Also
Community-based participatory research
The article discussed is in the compiled: “” [Portuguese] [DEAD LINK]
External Links
Lead Image: Instituto Cidadania