A pan-African non-profit advancing youth voices in development and policy.
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Mission and Purpose
The Youth Café is a not-for-profit corporation by limited guarantee. Its main activity is modelling and advancing youth-led aproaches towards sustainable development, social equity, democratic governance, and economic viability practices by utilizing innovative research, policy, and advocacy actions.
Origins and Development
The Youth Café is a Private Limited Company registered in Kenya under the Companies Act 2015. The company initially existed as a business name from 2014 until making the transition as a youth serving not-for-profit company limited by guarantee in 2018. The company is the fiscal, legal and implementing agent of International Youth Council in Kenya. The International Youth Council if an international youth organization founded during the fouth Youth Assembly at the United Nations Headquarters in 2007 and duly incorporated as a charity in New York.
Organizational Structure, Membership, and Funding
Funding mainly from governments, foundations, sub-granting, membership fees, and individual contributions.
Specializations, Methods and Tools
Youth communications, participatory democracy, and innovations in sustainable development.
Major projects and events
Innovative projects in youth-centered development and communications.
Analysis and Lessons Learned
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Finding Youth Led Solutions to Covid-19
External Links
Lead image: The Youth Cafe, http://bit.ly/2DmSycR