Non-for profit that uses STEM and technology education in at-risk children and youth communities to break the cycle of social marginalization.
[work in progress--all data deleted after login bootout]
Mission and Purpose
To rebuild marginalized communities by engaging with youth in technological projects, critical and open source digital literacy.
Began in 2015 with a project to rebuild a plaza by engaging at risk youth using music. The BoomBox project engaged youth in the development of an open source software that let music be played in public spaces, and the plaza was revived.
Participant Selection
At risk children and youth communities, through schools and informal education workshops.
Specializations and Activities
The organization boasts 6 projects and 8 pilots[1].
Major projects and events
Teach4Good: this tool for social transformation takes pairs disadvantaged youth (16-24 year olds) with innovative technological projects in order to build solutions to social problems using open source technologies and collaborative processes [2].
TeenMakers: 12-14 year olds are invited to a space where risk-taking and errors are part of the learning process, working with smart and internet of things connected devices, mobile app development, 3D design and printing, robotics and programming [3]
TeachKids:builds a family-friendly environment for kids and their parents to learn how to be critical and early digital natives by opening its projects to kids 5 years and older [4]
Teach4Girls: 10-15 year old girls work on diminishing the digital literacy second digital gap, de-gendering technologies in a space that increases interest in STEM and subverts work and gender roles [5]
Eduhackers: this program targets primary and secondary education teachers, to develop their coding skills to help foster a culture of technology in the classroom[6]
Tecnosarao: increasing technological sovereignty and a critical stance towards hardware and software, to increase users' control over it through guided experimentation and thematic workships, video and in-situ chats on free and open hard/soft ware, open standards, privacy, and hacktivism[7].
The organization accepts donations, collaborates with governments and other NGOs like the MediaLab Prado[8]'s Villaverde Experimenta[9]
The organization publishes a blog where it updates readers on its activitites, but no reports are published.
Secondary Sources
External Links
Lead image: The Sustainable Sunday
The second digital gap refers to digital literacy, the original digital gap refered to access to hardware and media access.