CÉRIUM is a community of researchers specializing in the study of international issues at the Université de Montréal.
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Mission and Purpose
The Center for International Studies and Research (CÉRIUM) at the Université de Montréal is dedicated to promoting the development of knowledge on international issues through research, training, and public outreach.[1]
Origins and Development
Organizational Structure, Membership, and Funding
Since its creation in 2004, CÉRIUM has established links with many partners from academia, NGOs, governments and international institutions, to collaborate on scientific events and carry out research projects. All research activities at the Centre are funded by internal funds and funds from external granting agencies.[2]
Specializations, Methods and Tools
CÉRIUM research focuses on the evolution of contemporary international relations. Research at CÉRIUM is carried out by a number of research units, divided into the following groups: Africa Pole, Americas cluster, Asia Pole, Europe division, Governance section, and the Peace and Security Cluster.
In collaboration with the faculties and departments involved in international studies, CÉRIUM promotes the development of specialized training for high-level researchers, responding to the growing need for skilled workers in the field of international studies. CÉRIUM's summer schools address important international issues and are intended for graduate students, business sector employees, government officials, NGO members, and journalists. Seminars and master classes are also offered to the university community.
Each year, CÉRIUM welcomes postdoctoral researchers to partner on the work of its research units and to assist in the organization of seminars, conferences and symposia. CÉRIUM offers young researchers the opportunity to integrate into international networks and to promotes their research through scientific publications.
Knowledge Translation
CÉRIUM transmits its scientific expertise to the outside world to inform public debates and political positions on issues of an international nature. The Centre's experts are regularly featured in the general and specialized media (press, radio, television), appearing weekly on Canal Savoir's Planet Earth program. [3]
Major Projects and Events
Analysis and Lessons Learned
See Also
Montreal Citizens' Right to Initiate Public Consultations
[1] "La mission du CÉRIUM," https://cerium.umontreal.ca/communaute/a-propos-du-cerium/mission/
[2] "La mission du CÉRIUM."
[3] "Unites de recherche," https://cerium.umontreal.ca/recherche/unites-de-recherche/.
[4] "La mission du CÉRIUM."
External Links
Official Website (French): https://cerium.umontreal.ca/
Official Website (English): https://cerium.umontreal.ca/en/home/
Lead image: CÉRIUM/Facebook, http://bit.ly/2WyALqt