German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA)

January 28, 2021 laura.junglas
December 13, 2020 Jaskiran Gakhal, Participedia Team
November 30, 2020 laura.junglas
November 28, 2020 laura.junglas
August 20, 2020 andi.pratiwi
August 19, 2020 andi.pratiwi
August 13, 2020 andi.pratiwi
August 12, 2020 andi.pratiwi
July 9, 2020 Jaskiran Gakhal, Participedia Team
July 2, 2020 Saskia Ruth-Lovell
July 2, 2020 andi.pratiwi

The GIGA is an independent social science research institute based in Hamburg, Germany. Its mission is to analyse political, social, and economic developments in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East, as well as global issues.

Mission and Purpose

The German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA) conducts social-science research with real-world relevance on Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East, and on global developments. The GIGA is committed to a global approach to scholarship, which works with perspectives, concepts, and experiences from different world regions. The institute is dedicated to providing policy advice based on high-quality research. With this mandate — its research and knowledge transfer — the GIGA aims to achieve both academic and societal impact. [1]

As a member of the Leibniz Association, it follows the Leibniz dictum of theoria cum praxi.” Through their research, GIGA scholars identify trends early and provide strategic analyses, giving political and social debates important impetus. The GIGA advises decision makers in politics, business, and the media. As part of the Accountability and Participation Research Programme, the GIGA engages in the debate of the challenges for the participation of young people in across the globe. [2]

Origins and Development

The GIGA builds on a rich history of over 50 years of research on Africa, Asia, Latin America, and Middle East related issues. A centre of scientific excellence, the GIGA emerged in 2006 after the restructuring of the German Overseas Institute, which was founded in 1964. With its long-standing record as a source of world-class social science research, and its hosting of the largest non-university information centre for Area Studies and Comparative Area Studies in Germany, it is a trusted organisation among institutions and partners in Hamburg, in Germany, and within the international scientific community. [3]

Organizational Structure, Membership, and Funding

The GIGA carries out research on four world regions: Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East. Under the umbrella of the GIGA, scholars conduct research in four regional institutes on the relevant developments on the ground and participate in at least one of four research areas:

  • Accountability and Participation
  • Peace and Security
  • Growth and Development
  • Power and Ideas [4]

The GIGA is jointly funded by the German Federal Foreign Office, the Hamburg Ministry of Science, Research and Equalities, and the other federal states. [5]

Specializations, Methods and Tools

The world is in a state of transition. Economies and societies around the globe are becoming increasingly interdependent; rising powers such as China and India are exerting growing influence; and while new opportunities are arising, new forms of terrorism, violence, and conflict are also emerging. Building on its reputation as one of the leading research institutes for Area Studies and Comparative Area Studies, the GIGA is committed to using academic rigor to help make sense of the increasingly complex world situation. [6]

GIGA researchers are sought-after experts among decision makers in politics, business, and civil society, as well as among media representatives and other stakeholders. Research-based policy advice and knowledge transfer to the wider public are essential elements of their mandate. Thus, not only are GIGA research findings published in top peer-reviewed academic journals and prestigious university publishing houses, but outreach activities also include three well-established publication series and impactful public and exclusive events. [7]

Major Projects and Events

The project “Democracy and Games: Analog and Digital Game-based Learning Tools for Youth Work” (DEMOGAMES) aims to contribute to this task through the provision of game-based learning tools for democratic education in youth work. The DEMOGAMES project is part of the Strategic Partnership for KA2 — Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices supported by the Erasmus+ Youth in Action program 2019 of the European Commission. [8]

GIGA Lead Researcher Prof. Dr. Sabine Kurtenbach conducted a series of research projects on Youth participation in violent contexts between 2014 and 2017 named “Against all Odds - Youth in Post-War Societies”. [9]

In September 2019, Prof. Dr. Sabine Kurtenbach co-organized with the EU LAC Foundation an international conference on Youth and Citizenship in Europe, Latin America, and the Caribbean. [10]

Analysis and Lessons Learned

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Kurtenbach, Sabine (2018): Changing the Status Quo – Youths as Actors for Peace. In: GIGA Focus Global, No 01. GIGA, Hamburg. [11]

Kurtenbach, Sabine (2017): Neglected or Criminalized: The Need for Youth Inclusion in Peacebuilding. In: Sustainable Security. Oxford Research Group, London. [12]

Ruth-Lovell, Saskia P./Welge, Rebecca/Lovell/Robert (2019): Teaching Democratic Norms and Values with Analogue Games. In: Peters, Michael/Heraud, Richard (eds): Encyclopedia of Educational Innovation. Springer, Singapore. [13]

Further GIGA publications are available on their official website. [14]

See Also


[1] German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA). About.

[2] German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA). Knowledge Transfer.

[3] German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA). About.

[4] German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA). Research.

[5] German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA). About.

[6] German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA). Research.

[7] German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA). Knowledge Transfer.

[8] Demokrative. Demogames.

[9] Kurtenbach, Sabine (2014-2017): Against all Odds - Youth in Post-War Societies. Series of Research Projects.

[10] Kurtenbach, Sabine/EU LAC Foundation (2019): Youth and Citizenship in Europe, Latin America, and the Caribbean. International Conference.

[11] Kurtenbach, Sabine (2018): Changing the Status Quo – Youths as Actors for Peace. In: GIGA Focus Global, No 01. GIGA, Hamburg.

[12] Kurtenbach, Sabine (2017): Neglected or Criminalized: The Need for Youth Inclusion in Peacebuilding. In: Sustainable Security. Oxford Research Group, London.

[13] Ruth-Lovell, Saskia P./Welge, Rebecca/Lovell/Robert (2019): Teaching Democratic Norms and Values with Analogue Games. In: Peters, Michael/Heraud, Richard (eds): Encyclopedia of Educational Innovation. Springer, Singapore.

[14] German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA). Publications. 

External Links 

Democracy and Games: Analog and Digital Game-based Learning Tools for Youth Work

Against all Odds - Youth in Post-War Societies

Youth and Citizenship in Europe, Latin America, and the Caribbean
