CIVIC Bangalore

20. Oktober 2019 Scott Fletcher Bowlsby
20. Oktober 2019 A Krishna Prasanth

CIVIC, a not-profit, has been working towards better urban governance in Bangalore since 1992, by pushing for implementation and improvement in the 74th Amendment and Karnataka Municipal Corporation Act. Their activities include advocacy, intervention and awareness campaigns

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Mission and Purpose


 “Facilitate better service delivery to the urban poor, in terms of access, participation and quality, with increased transparency and accountability”.

Our Vision

A world where every urban citizen is empowered to fully participate in governance to achieve a decent quality of life in an equitable society.

Our Mission

To be a platform for multiple stakeholders to achieve decentralised participatory local governance for a more inclusive, equitable and socially just urban space.

Origins and Development

A voluntary citizens’ initiative emerged in 1990-91 as a forum for discussion and action on issues impacting Bangalore, its development and future. The initiative became a registered non-profit charitable trust, Citizens’ Voluntary Initiative for the City of Bangalore (CIVIC Bangalore), in 1992.

Organizational Structure, Membership, and Funding

Specializations, Methods and Tools

-Public Discussions, with multiple stakeholders across government, private sector and civil society on matters of urban governance, decentralization, right to information etc.

-Grievance Redressal interventions, by bringing government service providers and citizens on a common platform and enabling accountability, on matter of local service delivery like Roads, education, health, public food distribution etc.

-Awareness campaigns, by creating booklets on government schemes and citizens rights for the urban poor.

-Research, by carrying out primary survey analysis and secondary research on government laws and institutions.

-Collaboration, by working with civil society organisations across the city, state and country towards the common goal of empowerment of urban citizens and especially the urban poor.

Major Projects and Events

Analysis and Lessons Learned


A Study on BMP Slums:Challenges & Future Course of Action(2001)

Pilot Slum & Urban Homeless Study(In association with Forum for Street and Working Children, Bangalore)(2008)

A Study of the BSUP Projects under JNNURM in Bangalore(2009)

Participatory Planning: Devasandhra Ward(2011)

A Guide to Best Practices in Citizen Participation in Urban Governance in Bangalore(2011)

See Also


External Links
