
North Rhine-Westphalia
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Direct democracy


Democracy International

September 12, 2019 intern
September 12, 2019 Caroline
February 9, 2012 Paul Nollen
August 27, 2010 Paul Nollen
North Rhine-Westphalia
Non-Profit or Non Governmental
General Issues
Human Rights & Civil Rights
Governance & Political Institutions
Specific Topics
Public Participation
Citizenship & Role of Citizens
Political Rights
General Types of Methods
Direct democracy

"The tyranny of a prince in an oligarchy is not so dangerous to the public welfare as the apathy of a citizen in a democracy."

Charles de Montesquieu


There are people all around the world who commit their lives to strengthening citizens' participation and direct democracy. Democracy International supports such democracy activists in building campaigns and organisations. It shares knowledge and legal expertise on direct democracy. Also Democracy International campaigns for more democracy at the transnational level. Democracy International's goals are to give citizens a direct say in political decision-making and to make governments more accountable



Democracy International is a Germany-based NGO working on the promotion of direct democracy and citizen participation worldwide. Its aim is to give citizens a real say in political decision-making by strengthening direct democracy at the national, European and global level. Democracy International advocates for more transparent and participatory policies, supports activists internationally and organises opportunities to learn and exchange best practices.


Democracy International grew out of an international alliance of NGOs working towards more citizen participation in Europe. It was officially founded as an NGO in 2011 with the wider goal of fostering direct democracy all over the globe. Democracy International is represented by an international board, the headquarters are based in Cologne.



Democracy International wants people to have the final political power. In this view, Democracy International aims to strengthen direct democracy and citizens’ participation on the local, national and transnational level across the globe. We stand for a globalisation of democracy and a democratisation of transnational decision-making processes.


Democracy International intends to realise these main goals to accomplish its mission:

Learning & exchange

Democracy, the democratic procedural law and how it is practiced, is never completed but always in process. Different countries and cultures develop different kinds of democracy. Yet, even if there is no such thing as “the ideal democracy” we can constantly learn from each other. Democracy is committed to provide expertise and opportunities to exchange best practices on direct democracy.

Help & develop

It is only by working together that we can make a difference. Democracy International aims to build transnational solidarity and cooperation among citizens and democracy groups. We offer practical and academic support built on three decades of experience. We advise younger and smaller organisations on structural development and campaigning; and we connect activists and experts around the globe, enabling them to learn from each other and work together.

Transnational action

Democracy today mainly exists on the state and regional levels, while participation on the international level largely remains the exclusive privilege of national governments. It is only in the European Union that forms of direct democracy have begun to emerge also at the supranational level. Citizens need to be able to have a real say in the increasing global challenges we face. Democracy International seeks to foster the development of transnational democratic structures.



A democratic EU

Democracy International champions citizen participation and greater transparency in the European Union. We won the introduction of the European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI), the world’s only existing tool of transnational direct democracy and keep fighting to improve its functioning. We also campaign for a citizen-led union-wide convention.


Research available to all

The Direct Democracy Navigator is a unique tool that allows users to search the laws and procedures of modern direct democracy worldwide. The Navigator is constantly updated and features over 1700 legal designs worldwide.


Public conversation

The European Public Sphere travels the continent with a mobile wooden dome, which is set up in public spaces and invites passers-by to discuss the future of Europe. The format takes people out of their filter bubbles into a real-life, inclusive discussion. Afterwards the conversation continues online.


Strengthening activism

We connect direct democracy activists worldwide with our online platform. Users can create a profile to showcase their work, promote events and get in touch with experts and other activists. Once a year, we meet for the Global Forum on Modern Direct Democracy, the largest gathering devoted to direct democracy globally.


Democracy International is registered as an association in Cologne (Germany. It is a membership organisation and a network of democracy initiatives from all around the world.


Democracy International is run by the board and the council as well as a board of trustees in an advisory role. The board of Democracy International is elected by the general assembly, which is held every three years. In the general assembly, the members and groups have equal vote. The council consists of group members.


The council and the board jointly decide together on the admission of new members to the council.


In 2011 people from all over the world approved Democracy International's statutes on the occasion of Democracy International's founding assembly.


Download our statute for more detail on how Democracy International is organised. You can find our Mission Statement & Statute as Pdf documents here on our website.



Democracy International

Gürzenichstraße 21 a-c

50667 Cologne



Phone: +49 (0) 221 669 66 50

Fax: +49 (0) 221 669 665 99

Email: [email protected]



Our website:





Direct Democracy Navigator:


Information for the European Citizens’ Initiative:


European Public Sphere: