
United Kingdom
Scope of Operations & Activities
Non-Profit or Non Governmental
General Issues
Governance & Political Institutions
Specific Topics
Public Participation
Sortition Foundation Official Website
General Types of Tools/Techniques
Recruit or select participants
Specific Methods, Tools & Techniques


Sortition Foundation

December 4, 2024 Jesi Carson, Participedia Team
January 9, 2024 sonia
December 21, 2023 Deborah W.A. Foulkes
August 1, 2023 friedel.marquardt
November 30, 2020 Antonin Lacelle-Webster
July 1, 2020 Jaskiran Gakhal, Participedia Team
June 4, 2020 Antonin Lacelle-Webster
United Kingdom
Scope of Operations & Activities
Non-Profit or Non Governmental
General Issues
Governance & Political Institutions
Specific Topics
Public Participation
Sortition Foundation Official Website
General Types of Tools/Techniques
Recruit or select participants
Specific Methods, Tools & Techniques

The mission of the Sortition Foundation is to promote and institute sortition in empowered assemblies. It helps run citizens' assemblies by providing selection and stratification services.

Mission and Purpose

The Sortition Foundation promotes the use of sortition, or random stratified sampling/selection, in government.

Origins and Development

The Sortition Foundation has bases in the United Kingdom, Australia and the United States, and has further affiliations with similar foundations in many other countries.

Organizational Structure, Membership, and Funding

It is a not-for-profit company purposed to serve deliberative initiatives. People are given the option to become a member of the Sortition Foundation to financially support the work they do.

Specializations, Methods and Tools

Providing sortition and selection services for deliberative initiatives. The Sortition Foundation have developed two open-source software tools to assist in these tasks. They also design invitations to participate and provide options for potential participants to register their interest.

Major Projects and Events

A selected sample of major projects:

More projects/case studies can be found here.

Analysis and Lessons Learned

The Sortition Foundation continues to innovate in the area of democratic lotteries, both in terms of attempting to improve the ways in which they reach parts of the population who do not traditionally respond to invitations to participate; and through working with partners on events such as the Global Assembly.


See Also


External Links
