
General Issues
Planning & Development
via Dante 1
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Decision Methods
General Agreement/Consensus


Municipal Urban Plan of Olbia [Olbia Local Plan]

July 30, 2019 Scott Fletcher Bowlsby
March 19, 2019 Scott Fletcher Bowlsby
September 7, 2018 Scott Fletcher Bowlsby
September 6, 2018 Scott Fletcher Bowlsby
August 5, 2018 Scott Fletcher Bowlsby
March 1, 2018 alexmengozzi
General Issues
Planning & Development
via Dante 1
Scope of Influence
Start Date
End Date
Total Number of Participants
Face-to-Face, Online, or Both
Decision Methods
General Agreement/Consensus

A participation process to support the stages of elaboration of the Municipal Urban Plan, aware of the need for an important communication investment and mobilization of the local community, in order to adequately share and legitimize the Plan.

Problems and Purpose

The PUC Olbia Laboratory is a process of participation of citizens and stakeholders, public and private, activated by the Administration to support the development phases of the new Municipal Urban Plan (PUC) for the city and the territory of Olbia.

"In the programmatic guidelines and operating procedures for the drafting of the new Plan, the City Council has in fact foreseen an intense participation activity, aware of the need for a important investment in communication and mobilization of the local community, in order to adequately share and legitimize the choices of the Plan "(Link 1 - Laboratory). & nbsp;

Background History and Context

Olbia is a port city in Gallura, north-east of Sardinia. Its population since 1871 has progressively increased from 3,042 inhabitants to 60,143 in 2017. The service industry, in addition to primary and secondary activities related to marble and the sea, is growing, especially in tourism. The tradition of local government is Christian Democrat but since the 1920s, the socialist movement is strong and has achieved important results a couple of times. Since 1997 the center-right has prevailed with Forza Italia. From 2007 to 2011 the mayor Giovannelli was in office, supported by Forza Italia and center-right. Giovannelli then remained at the helm as mayor from May 2011 to 2016, after a brief spell as a commissioner, but this time supported by the center-left with a majority of the PD. A center-right mayor (Forza Italia) has been in office since 2016. In the 2011 electoral program, the large center-left aggregation (PD, IdV, SEL, Unione Popolare Cristiana and Civic Lists) also include, among the last points, the theme of participation, declining it in terms of transparency and consultation (Program, 2011) . A chapter is dedicated to the urban plan without finding the word participation, but clear and urgent objectives, such as the brake on land consumption, the redevelopment of even fractional areas, the reorganization of the infrastructures of the great roads and ports and a new industrial area (Ib., P. 11). In January 2013, the Administration drafted the programmatic guidelines for the new Municipal Urban Plan (PUC), signed by the mayor, councilor C. Careddu and the manager C. Azzena. In the methodological approach, a paragraph is entitled: "A participatory process". & Nbsp;

"On the level of civitas, the construction of a new citizenship, the production of localities as a new dimension of the local in the context of globalization cannot ignore common sense. For this reason, the project of the city as the ability to design the environment in which we live must be considered as a process of understanding and interpretation that cannot be taken as a set of rules and assumptions, since it concerns our actions and our history. considered in their entirety, what is generally called common sense, which is none other than our personal and social history, that history on which the sense of belonging that is the basis of the city project is built "(Comune, 2013, p. 10).

"So if the city tends to become more and more the critical place of an organization centered on the circulation and exchange of human resources, information, knowledge, that is the nodal points of the "information society", its construction cannot ignore the fundamental objectives of this society, namely the growing and ever more active participation of citizens in information and knowledge re that calls the city administration towards the search for an ever greater integration between technical knowledge and common knowledge, as the collective intelligence of a specific context. This, so that it is possible to form a common intentionality for the city project "̀ (Ib.).

Organizing, Supporting, and Funding Entities

Municipality of Olbia, Ufficio del Piano is the person in charge of the planning process and curator of public communication through a dedicated website (Link 1). & Nbsp;

d: rh associated architects is a studio founded in 1996 by Sergio Dinale and Paola Rigonat Hugues and Enrico Robazza as an associate, has offices in Venice and Como. For the Municipality of Olbia he oversaw the drafting of the PUC and related participatory process up to the impact assessment. In the position he was the parent company of ATI (Temporary Business Association) with the company Criteria SrL.

Criteria Srl is an engineering firm with headquarters in Cagliari, made up of a multidisciplinary group of professionals working in the field of planning, design and environmental assessment. The main contacts are Paolo Bagliani, Margherita Monni, Paolo Falqui and Laura Zanini, Patrizia Carla Sechi and Maurizio Costa.

It is assumed that the assignment took place through a tender, but it is not specified on the dedicated website, how the amount of the contract is not indicated.

Participant Recruitment and Selection

It is not indicated how the meetings were advertised and how the participants were recruited. On the dedicated site there are announcements with date, time and place, but it is not indicated who can participate. They seem open to everyone since the reports show the participants are heterogeneous. & Nbsp;

Introductory tables . In the "introductory tables to participation with trade associations and neighborhood committees" there are, in the first: 10 abbreviations with 11 delegates, 2 "surveyors" and a "private individual"; in the second: 24 zone committee delegates (in varying numbers, from 8 to only 1 delegate per zone) as well as two members of a trade association and 2 private individuals.

The two tables were coordinated by Azzena and two technicians from the Planning Office, 3 facilitators-designers of the ATI (d: rh Criteria). The city planning councilor Careddu intervened in the introduction to the works. & Nbsp;

Area tables . The 10 field tables, organized by fraction, are even more presumed to have been open to everyone, given that the number of individuals increases significantly, even if in some cases no category of belonging is indicated. Although very rare, the presence of some tourists was found. Each table was attended by 20 to 35 people. Azzena was always present at the coordination of the table with two technicians from the Piano Office as well as 4 designers from the ATI (d: rh Criteria). & Nbsp;

Thematic tables . At the workshop meeting called "Thematic Tables", organized at the Urban Center, there were about 90 participants, 12 ATI facilitators (d: rh Criteria). Among those registered: the councilor for public works, the commander of the Port Authority, a manager of the Province of Olbia Tempio. The city planning councilor and one of the designers of the ATI intervened in the introduction to the plenary. & Nbsp;

Ideas development tables . Organized at the Urban Center, the first of the 3 meetings registered 60 participants, with heterogeneous affiliation, from individuals to professions. Coordinating the table was Azzena and a technician from the Planning Office and a consultant S. Zurlo, in addition to the two main ATI, Dinale and Falqui. For the second table, the composition of the coordination was the same, 30 participants including the councilor (it is not specified for what) Orunesu. At the third meeting on tourism areas, organized at the Council Chamber, Poltu Quadu, the table was coordinated by Azzena and Melis from the Piano Office and two main ones from the ATI (d: rh Criteria), 37 participants.

Adoption accompanying meetings. As per the project, there were to be public meetings for the presentation of the plan before adoption, open to citizens, but they do not appear to have been carried out from what is reported on the site.

Methods and Tools Used

Introductory tables, scope tables and ideas development tables . They are public meetings, with a limited number of participants (20-30), most likely arranged in a frontal manner. Introduced by an institutional figure, the discussion was led by the facilitators with a presentation of the aims of the participation workshop - as in this case - "aimed at highlighting critical issues and proposing ideas that can be implemented in the urban and territorial context". A table of problems and a design scheme sketched by the designers were used and illustrated to the participants, who introduced the main themes of the plan on which a discussion followed with interventions from the public. In the introductory tables, the scale of the cartographic tables and of the discussion is comprehensive, in those of the area one approaches the territories both physically and in the cartographic scale and on the themes guided by the designers. In the idea development tables, the preliminary design proposals of the plan are presented, with the illustration of the cartographic schemes and strategic interventions. The presentations are followed by a discussion between participants and technicians. & Nbsp;

Community Planning Forum. Thematic tables. “They are multifunctional events and, in most cases, open to a mixed audience. They are divided into phases that involve the presentation of the topic to be discussed, the generation of ideas and the creation of interaction between interest groups "(Report, 13, p. 7). In this case, the event was divided into an initial plenary and 8 working groups on 5 themes (some themes such as agriculture were divided into two sub-themes). The groups were facilitated by the designers but the spokespersons of each group were identified among the participants themselves. At the end of the work, the synthesis for each group was presented in plenary and the facilitator-designer stimulated a further discussion by highlighting some syntheses and themes that are transversal / common to all the groups. & Nbsp;

What Went On: Process, Interaction, and Participation

The participation process starts with the introductory tables, there are no other communications or meetings between technicians and administrators or with some actors. & Nbsp;

27/5/2015 Introductory tables. They were held on Wednesday morning (the first) and evening (the second) in Poltu Cuadu, Sala Consiliare. The topics of the guided discussion concerned housing models, production activities and services, tourism, the effectiveness of the Plan, the role of the railway line, recovery policies. The publication of the website is communicated where you can find the reports and plan materials and postpone the detailed questions for each area to the next meetings. In the first meeting, on housing models, for example, the issues that emerged recall the importance of containing land consumption and safeguarding the agricultural and naturalistic crown that surrounds the inhabited center, or the need to base planning on actual development lines. demographic of the city, in this regard it should be noted the presence in Olbia of about 4,000 vacant homes, an estimate based on bank data on the basis of unsold businesses (Report 1, p. 2). On tourism, "it also aims to make up for the lack of attractiveness of the city of Olbia, lacking recognizable and characteristic areas, giving a strong identity to its environmental and cultural emergencies" (Ib.). On the railway line, one of the issues on which "it was agreed" relates to the "existence of concrete impediments to the complete decommissioning or strong reduction [...] of the line for Golfo Aranci [...] a strategic logistic point of the railway network on a national [...] scale, the only direct rail link to the sea in the whole of Sardinia "(Ib.). In the second meeting a discussion opens for clarification on the sizing of the plan, that is the volumes approved by the urban planning instruments in force. The technicians respond to requests by providing data on the theoretical settlement between 10 and 20 thousand new inhabitants. But the precise data is being verified and discussed with the Sardinia Region. It should also be noted that for the moment there is no mention of volumes but of strategic vision of the plan. The need to stop the consumption of land is reaffirmed. There are those who propose dense building models and those who appreciate the quality of life from low-density models, due to the greater contact with the earth, suggest very low but widespread indices to consolidate existing hamlets and identify rural villages. It is proposed to pay attention to the surrounding areas of the historic center, where there are large volumes to be recovered, also to obtain green areas for the community.

From 15/6 to 19/6/2015 - Tables of scope . They are organized on the same model as the introductory tables but are organized by fractions. In total there are 10 meetings. The first meeting on June 15 (Report 3) is held in Rudalza, the hamlet in the hinterland of the Porto Rotondo promontory. The discussion opens with a presentation by the technical commission that drafted the Rudalza-Porto Rotondo masterplan on 500 hectares. Porto Rotondo is managed by a Consortium that has been involved in the construction and management of some services since the 1960s. Within the Consortium there is a commission that monitors the building quality of the interventions even though it does not have an official role. The cost per square meter is very high and the consortium wants to invest around 1 million Euros for the sewers (Ib., P. 3). They also propose the environmental enhancement of the promontory with nature trails and itineraries that allow its use. Being by now saturated as buildings they agree that a further settlement development must take place in the territory of Rudalza (Ib.). It follows the illustration of a development hypothesis to create a centrality for the hamlet of Rudalza. The committee proposes to "autonomously carry out a fact-finding survey to quantify the actual request for expansion and new construction to be located in the original villages" (Ib.). & Nbsp;

In the last field table of 19 June, the situation of the hamlets San Pantaleo and Portisco, on the northern borders of the municipal territory, is framed (Report 12). After highlighting the landscape peculiarities of the area, we discuss about tourism development, the main vocation of the hamlets, which took place on a private initiative without an organizational policy or incentives from the Municipality, which requires greater urban quality and decorum of public spaces. Then we move on to the settlement development with various proposals for densification, construction in the spaces between the buildings. Residents have difficulty finding housing due to tourism competition. There is no shortage of traffic problems for which roundabouts are required to limit the speed of cars and the need for parking. In addition, the Marina di Portisco is asking for a connection to the non-drinkable aqueduct of the Liscia in order to have water resources for washing boats. The owners of the San Giovanni area are asking for the removal of restrictions and the possibility of creating buildings for the shelter of livestock and the expansion of pastoral activities (Ib.). & Nbsp;

11 / 7/2015 - Thematic tables. The event of 11 July at the Urban Center which will take place from 9:00 to 14:00 is a moment of elaboration of the proposals on the basis of a thematic and sub-thematic organization defined by the designers through the elaboration of what emerged in the previous phase. Participants were welcomed in the welcoming hall of the Urban Center and were arranged in a semi-circle over several rows in the plenary assembly. After the presentations and the program of the day, the participants divided themselves by topic of interest and worked in groups. The themes for each group were: 1) Tourism. The accommodation offer, consistency, type, distribution; 2) Mobility. Large infrastructures, role in the city and functional integration; 3) Mobility. Integrations between parts of the city and the territory and forms of sustainable mobility; 4) Production activities and services. Organization of spaces and new economic perspectives, between innovation and tradition; 5) Environment and landscape. Identifying elements of the landscape and the environment between protection and enhancement; 6) Environment and landscape. Environmental elements of connection between the city and the territory; 7) Agriculture. Agronomic potential and territorial vocations; 8) Agriculture. Forms and compatibility of residential and economic activities in the agricultural area (Report 13). In group 5 - for example - the participants listed the strengths: presence of places of landscape and archaeological excellence, the river network, canals and green areas still free from buildings, wetlands, dunes, road Olbia - San Vittore cycle path (neglected), many points of use of the coastal landscape due to the conformation of the coastline, the culture of the stazzo (the country house) and hospitality. Weaknesses such as: the fragmentation of the center into segregated neighborhoods (sub-cities); the absence of connection with the coast line; the presence of parking on the port which hinders the use of the waterfront; the uncontrolled expansion of the city into the territory; the presence of the Multa Maria landfill, the inefficiency of the Peschiera treatment plant; protection alone without enhancement leads to the abandonment and degradation of places, the absence of control in sensitive sites; poor quality of the building from an architectural point of view and the quality of the connection spaces; absence of planning of interventions; etc. Finally, the group discussed and listed needs and objectives: Activate environmental enhancement projects that also allow protection, despite the use; identify "buffer zones" to connect the different parts of the city; organization of a system of inclusive tourist circuits that allow the use and connection of the various elements and make them recognizable (itineraries, signs with indications and information to support the recognition of the interventions); coordination and planning of interventions, which must not result as separate and independent projects, but as different stages of implementation of a single vision on an urban and territorial scale, to ensure the creation of a system of connections between the various strategic points; definition of guidelines to ensure the homogeneity of interventions from an architectural and programmatic point of view; raise cultural awareness (faculty of agriculture) to start a project of culture and enhancement of the agricultural system of the whole Gallura (example: Stagno di Platamona di Sassari); establish guidelines and guidelines to ensure a landscape and environmental permeability / connection within the industrial area; identify standard areas, aimed at creating urban gardens; remodeling of the PPR addresses on the basis of a territorial contextualization, etc. & nbsp;

A spokesperson chosen from the group then reported in plenary a summary of what emerged from the groups. Then the facilitators made a synthesis. In many tables the awareness of places of excellence and landscape and environmental potential that need protection and / or enhancement emerged such as: the river network, the canals, the green areas of the urban fabric, Monte Pino, the Gulf of Olbia, the humid, Capo Ceraso, etc. & nbsp;

The urban area affected by the reconversion of the railway spaces has been identified as a critical place which, through recovery actions, could assume a strategic role within the system of public spaces and urban connections. The tables also show the need to connect the identifying places, with each other and with the neighborhoods, through a local public transport network and a system of cycle and pedestrian paths that allow diversification of access flows to the port and airport (Ib , p. 31). & nbsp;

The need for intercommunality of policies and the positioning of the interventions of the PUC on a vast area that Olbia considers in the unitary system of Gallura was highlighted, in particular for what concerns the settlements of the stazzi and the tourist phenomenon, as for mobility. This approach can lead to a greater cultural identification of the Gallura area, with the Faculty of Agriculture and local brand productions, the identification and protection of historical stazzi. There is also a need for coordination between planning tools which is absent while the problem of overlapping competences between the various bodies is growing. Greater interaction between public and private entities is also proposed, to improve the management efficiency of projects for the recovery and enhancement of strategic locations and areas for services. Agreements can be guided by incentives and disincentives, for example fiscal ones, in order to ensure the economic self-sustainability of the interventions (Ib., P. 32). & Nbsp;

28-29 / 9 and 10/11/2015 - Tables for developing ideas . These events are organized on the model of the initial tables, of the first phase, but have the purpose of guiding the conclusions with preliminary project proposals drawn on the maps. The first meeting was dedicated to the central urban area; the second to hamlets and rural areas; the third to the tourist areas. After illustrating the critical issues that emerged from previous meetings on the cards, the designers identified proposals based on "managerial schemes, understood as thematic sets of urban-scale projects" (Report 14, p. 4). Therefore, for the central urban area of Olbia, Pittolongu and Multa Maria have provided an "external green backbone", an "internal railway backbone", an "internal waterfront backbone" and more "penetrating green". "Taken together, these managerial schemes form a network of mainly" green "public spaces whose aims are: to make urban development coherent with the hydrographic network, to confer ecological and public space continuity between the urban and extra-urban areas and between the different neighborhoods , on which to imagine new economies (in particular the enhancement of the tourist presence) "(Ib.). The reports are illustrated with the preliminary plan tables, which are more readable and divided by manager diagram with more in-depth descriptions. For example, the internal ridge of the waterfront is an area that covers the entire coast line of the gulf, where the re-appropriation of urban use with a continuous waterfront path, the enhancement of areas of landscape interest and the reuse of public facilities are envisaged. located along the coast, the recovery of the seaside villages and the reconversion of the seafront of the industrial area (Ib, p. 5).

Outcome of the process? The latest updates on the site dedicated date back to November 2015 (Link 1 - News), there are no related materials or news relating to how the drafting of the PUC is proceeding, which provided, as per the project, a phase of accompaniment to the adoption with public meetings in the territory. & nbsp;

From the website of the leader of the ATI (d: rh associated architects) it emerges that in December 2015 the designers delivered the final drawings and started the adoption process. Yet even on the website of the Municipality of Olbia nothing is available and it has not been possible to find news on the PUC. & Nbsp;

Influence, Outcomes, and Effects

From the site it appears that the path participatory, or at least its communication, stopped abruptly without any warning. Information is conflicting with what emerges from the designers' website.

Analysis and Lessons Learned

There is a serious lack of transparency -communication of the process, especially in final phase concerning the failure to update and the conclusion of the path. As often happens, there is a lack of information on the cost of the assignment, and on publicity measures for participatory events and the recruitment of participants. Missing - or at least not declared - even a minimal phase of sharing of the path with the most relevant actors. & Nbsp;

Inclusiveness does not seem to be sufficient, but more investigations would be needed. in-depth, for example on the absence of some environmentalist acronym, at least among the best known, associations of the handicapped and foreign communities. The conflict that has arisen is in fact rather mild and the conflictual nodes that have arisen are not sufficiently emphasized and enucleated. Since there are no accompanying meetings for adoption, it is not possible to determine whether the project has achieved a consistent representativeness that it does not currently have. & Nbsp;

See Also & nbsp;

< p> Collaborative Planning (method)


1. City of Olbia, Introductory table: Trade associations, 27 May 2015 & gt; http: // www / wp-content / uploads / 2015/06 / Report-01_Associations-di-category_27_05_2015.pdf (release 1/3/18). & nbsp;

3. City of Olbia, Area Table: Rudalza - Porto Rotondo, June 15, 2015 & gt; http: // www / wp-content / uploads / 2015/07 / Report-03_Rudalza-Porto-Rotondo.pdf (release 1/3/18). & nbsp;

12. City of Olbia, Area Table: San Pantaleo - Portisco, 19 June 2015 & gt; http: //www.laboratorio (release 1/3/18).

13. City of Olbia, Workshop - Thematic Tables, 11 July 2015 & gt; http: //www.laboratorio-puc-olbia .it / wp-content / uploads / 2015/07 / Report13_tematic_tables.pdf (release 1/3/18). & nbsp;

14. City of Olbia, Idea development table: Central urban area (Olbia, Pittolongu, Multa Maria), 28 September 2015 & gt; http: // www / wp-content / uploads / 2015/10 / Report-14_Area-urbano-centrale.pdf (release 1/3/18). & nbsp;

Program (2011), electoral civic coalition “Giovannelli Sindaco”, administrative elections of the Municipality of Olbia 2011 & gt; (ril. 1 /3/18).

Municipality of Olbia (2013), Programmatic guidelines and operating procedures, Olbia Municipal Urban Plan & gt; http: / / (ril. 1/3/18). & nbsp;

External Links

Municipality of Olbia - PUC Laboratory [ARCHIVED SITE] index.php / participation-2 /


Lead image: P. Curto / Tips / Photononstop