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Presentazione del documento Destinazione Sardegna
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Destination Sardinia 2018-2021 - Strategic tourism plan [Italian]

November 17, 2019 Jaskiran Gakhal, Participedia Team
November 15, 2019 alexmengozzi
General Issues
Planning & Development
Specific Topics
105 Viale Trieste
Scope of Influence
Sardegna Partecipa
Presentazione del documento Destinazione Sardegna
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Propose and/or develop policies, ideas, and recommendations
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Formal Evaluation

Participatory strategic plan for the development and tourism promotion of Sardinia, territorial meetings and online platform are the main participatory tools of the path ...

Problems and purpose

According to the document in slide format that summarizes and incorporates the first work cycle for the Strategic Plan of tourism in Sardinia:

  • “Sardinia must grow and adapt to new demand trends, especially the international one in order to continue to attract the interest of the market and grow tourism flows in a sustainable way,
  • increase its attractiveness and competitiveness, & nbsp;
  • guarantee better tourist performance, economic, social and environmental profitability of the entire territorial and tourist system [1].

Continue the document:

" The success of the Sardinia tourist destination depends on a shared "vision" and achievable objectives. This implies the implementation of policies that ensure: & nbsp;

  • sustainable growth,
  • strategic planning, & nbsp;
  • product development -current but above all potential destination,
  • ensure that the market perceives and values the Sardinia destination more, & nbsp;
  • marketing and promotion, & nbsp;
  • attracting the most convenient tourists for its ecosystem "[2].

Some slogans on the objectives are also displayed:

  1. From a Sardinia 120 days of tourist activity To a Sardinia 300 days of tourist activity;
  2. From a Sardinia to 40% of employment index To a Sardinia to 80% of employment index.

“Destination Sardinia 2018-2021 will arise through a choral process that will lead us to the construction of a new shared vision of tourism in Sardinia. It is a participatory process that involves operators, institutions, associations, local authorities, LAGs, universities and opinion leaders of the territory to participate in working groups and planning to arrive at the Shared and Participated Strategic Plan, in short, all those who want to participate The intent is to identify the strategic lines capable of allowing the local operators intervening to set their actions in their respective areas of competence, adopting a medium-long term perspective and a market vision "[3] .

The plan in particular will be used for: "Identification of a tourism development strategy for Sardinia (objectives, mission, vision and strategic positioning of the territory);

  • Increase the competitiveness of Sardinia's tourism system,
  • Increase the attractiveness of Sardinia's tourist offer,
  • Innovate, specialize, integrate and diversify the offer,
  • Develop effective marketing,
  • Build efficient governance for the overall development of tourism throughout Sardinia.

History and background

Tourism Councilor Barbara Argiolas (center-left, Giunta Pigliaru, elected in 2014) in the Executive Summary of the plan: "In an increasingly dynamic and competitive panorama of the global tourism market, the positioning of Sardinia as a recognized tourist destination and original draws its foundation from some key words placed at the center of a shared public-private vision: sustainability, co-responsibility, planning. Since 2006, with the approval of the regional landscape plan, Sardinia has given itself a development model that places the environment at the center of public policies in order to preserve, protect, enhance and pass on to future generations the environmental and historical identity , cultural and settlement of the Sardinian territory; protect and protect the cultural and natural landscape and its biodiversity; ensure the protection of the territory and promote forms of sustainable development, in order to preserve and improve its quality. The enhancement of our environmental resource and the sharing of an idea of Sardinia thus become, in 2018, the conditions for the realization of a Strategic Tourism Plan that promotes a sustainable, responsible and accessible destination and that provides solutions that are not only capable of responding to a need to consolidate and enhance its reputation, but also to create the economic and social conditions necessary to counter depopulation, create employment and enhance inland areas: there is no tourist destination if this is not attractive and welcoming to those who live there . In fact, sustainability cannot and must not be understood only as environmental, but also cultural, economic and social. In fact, it is the communities that must become the backbone of a new tourism system that places the landscape at the center in all its most important meanings: environmental, human, urban, social, cultural, identity and productive [...]. The achievement of the goal, however, requires a new assumption of responsibility. There is no talk of tourism without a shared vision of the future of our territories and of the rules with which we are together and implement the programs, each in its own role and responsibility: public (Regions and Municipalities) and individuals, citizens and businesses. Tourism is a collective challenge: we win together. In this challenge, we must maintain existing positions and conquer new market shares, with the strategic objective of getting out of the current seasonality framework (which concentrates activities in about 120-150 days in the summer period) to become a destination capable of satisfying more and more travel questions. If we do not place the offered and perceived quality of our destination proposal at the basis of the strategy, competition grows and the geographical scope of the competitors widens more and more, no longer limited to the Italian market and to the Mediterranean and European area only: a long look and programming and planning work that goes beyond the single product and focuses on the development of quality tourism and on the creation of a panel of recognizable and original proposals integrating culture, agriculture and craftsmanship. From these ideal guidelines, in line with national and community guidelines and following the path traced by MiBACT with the 2017-2022 Tourism Plan, we have equipped ourselves with a strategic tool to outline the path of regional tourism policy, which is also necessary for the of planning, direction and coordination functions "[4].

Organizational, support and financing entities

Sardinia Region, Department of Tourism is the promoter and financier of the Strategic Plan. & nbsp;

Sardegna ParteciPA is a portal of the Sardinia Region dedicated to the consultation and participation of citizens. It reports to the Communication Service, of the General Direction of the Presidency of the Autonomous Region of Sardinia. & Nbsp;

FTourism is a registered trademark of the company F Tourism & amp; Marketing by Josep Ejarque from Turin. It is a tourism consulting firm. It carries out analyzes and develops tourism marketing strategies. It is not indicated how he was selected by the Region and the compensation received.

Selection and recruitment of participants

Starting the course . "The participatory process started in April 2018 and ended in July 2018. To inform and involve tourism operators, institutions and citizens, the Department of Tourism, Crafts and Commerce, with the collaboration of the Chambers of Commerce and of the airports, organized 3 Kickoff meeting in the airports of Cagliari, Alghero and Olbia (11-13 April 2018).

The Permanent Conference of Tourism , “Established at the Regional Tourism Department pursuant to art. 4 of the L.R. n. 16/2017, is composed of the regional councils concerned, the ANCI, the representation of local authorities, trade associations, tourist consortia, trade unions, associations, universities and other stakeholders. This collegial body took office on May 18, 2018 in Milis and concluded the participatory process for the drafting of the proposal for the Regional Strategic Plan in the meeting held in Cagliari on July 23, 2018 "[5]. At the bottom of the Plan document, a list of the approximately 70 Sardinian actors and authorities, members of the Conference [6] is available.

Thematic tables and the platform. "The bottom-up methodology of the plan has put in place a plurality of direct and digital listening, sharing and comparison tools: more than 600 tour operators (in the hospitality, hotel, extra-albergheiro, campsites, etc.), tourist guides, managers of tourist attractions and representatives of natural parks, tourist services companies, airports, tourist transport and local administrations. To these are added the actors met on a one-to-one basis or for interest groups and users who were able to send suggestions and proposals through the platform " [7]. & nbsp;

"The consultation activities took place in two phases: a cycle of 9 meetings (3 -17 May 2018) , in which the participants, divided into 33 working groups, contributed to the analysis of the island's tourism system and offer, and a second cycle of 8 meetings (14-26 June), aimed at outlining possible strategies for tourism development. The working groups were organized in the localities of Alghero, Cagliari, Iglesias, Lanusei, Milis, Nuoro, Olbia, Oristano, Sardara, Sassari, Sinnai and Tortolì, chosen considering their centrality with respect to the reference territory and the tourist vocations of each. "[8].

To participate in the tables it was necessary to register online within 24 hours prior to the date of the meeting and were accepted until all places were available (but it is not possible to determine how many places were available). The thematic tables were 8 and they were dedicated to a single theme. & Nbsp;

Methods and tools used

Thematic tables . Similar to focus groups, they are multi-actor meetings focused on an aspect of the plan or problem that you want to tackle. In the case in question "each & nbsp; meeting, lasting two hours, & nbsp; was divided & nbsp; into & nbsp; two & nbsp; & nbsp; parts: in the first & nbsp; the & nbsp; topics & nbsp; and & nbsp; the & nbsp; topics & nbsp; specific for each table were illustrated second was mainly discussion to identify critical issues and opportunities (Link 1).

What happened: process, interaction and participation

Kick off meeting (11, 12 , April 13, 2018). Councilor Barbara Argiolas has started the journey in 3 airports in Sardinia. "We strongly want - says the Councilor for Tourism Barbara Argiolas - the widest participation not only of professionals but also of citizens in this process of building the 2018-2021 Destination Sardinia plan. Tourism is a transversal sector that touches many economic areas and needs collective planning, a shared vision and objectives as a destination that allow administrations and businesses to plan their future (Cagliari, 11/4/2018) "

Thematic tables. Consultations in the territory. The 8 thematic areas discussed at the working tables are: Tourist product; Markets and Internationalization; Marketing and Marketing; Training, Quality and Professionalization; Landscape, natural resources and sustainability; Profitability, new seasonality and renewal; Infrastructure and Tourist Mobility; Tourism Innovation and New Technologies. & Nbsp; The contributions acquired during the meetings were then merged into a strategic document approved and licensed by the Permanent Tourism Conference . Provisional minutes and reports are not available at the moment (ril. 15/11/19). In the plan document the summary of the contents are reported for each table [9].

For example in the "Tourist product" table it emerges that despite the great offer and the unexpressed potential, "Sardinia is perceived only for seaside tourism, it is therefore necessary to build new products and encourage new seasons. Tourist products will have to be identified and their hierarchy, degree of maturity, market potential, new potential products determined, starting from the motivations and needs of the demand that today seeks experiences to live in the area. It is also convenient to segment the beach product market [10]. Landscape and territory are the main tourist resource of Sardinia. They must be preserved, as well as the authenticity and cultural values of the island must be promoted and maintained. To use, but at the same time protect the landscape as a resource, awareness is needed on the degree of sustainable use of the territory, to then redistribute the tourist flows and exercise control over the carrying capacity "[11].

On contents of the plan, the 4 main innovative aspects on which it is based are highlighted: & nbsp;

  1. Innovation of the organizational model, i.e. a network model, which goes beyond both the individual and spontaneous operator model, and the package model (in which an often external subject structures a single or package touristic commercial proposal). & nbsp;
  2. Innovation of the destination model that aims to set up a public management of the destination, with cooperation and involvement of different institutions, and with the involvement of private individuals, in order to stimulate the tourism ecosystem.
  3. Innovation of the product-destination model, aims at contemporary experiential and motivational tourism. & nbsp;
  4. Innovation of the promotion model, in which product networks and territorial clusters must also be included in the promotion, following the logic of segmentation and product focus.

Note a strong introduction of collaborative models and tourism governance. Therefore, the following are highlighted:

  1. orientation to implementation which identifies the roles and responsibilities of the public and private subjects who will have to proceed with the concrete activities;
  2. collaboration and system, between actors and authorities;
  3. definition of priorities;
  4. targeted use of resources to avoid waste and focus action on the objectives to be pursued as a priority;
  5. digitization, technological innovation in the promotion, marketing and promotion of the tourism system [12]. & nbsp;

The Strategic Plan for Destination Sardinia , was presented at the airport of Cagliari-Elmas on 20/12/2018 after being approved by the Regional Council on 11/12 [13].

Influence, results and effects

As claimed by the curator Josep Ejarque the plan is not a conclusion but a beginning [14]. Unfortunately, its start was not the best in the sense that in May 2019 at the regional, citizens did not confirm the center left but opted for the center right. No initiatives and monitoring tools are detectable, however the new councilor Chessa is implementing initiatives to seasonally adjust tourism such as "Autumn in Barbagia" [15].

Analysis and lessons learned

< p> Making a process transparency requires a very basic but also clear and univocal organization of static and dynamic data. In this case, finding documents scattered across different pages and sites was not accommodating. In addition, the minutes and detailed accounts of the meetings are missing. The declared inclusivity seems complete due to the presence of actors not strictly linked to the sector, such as farmers and environmental associations. The representativeness also declared, has collected many points of view by also fielding an online platform (of which, however, precise statistics are not provided). Certainly the synthetic and analytical contribution made by the expert consultant was predominant. & Nbsp;

See also

Strategic plan for tourism in Veneto

F Tourism & amp; Marketing


[1] Sardegna Turismo, Participatory strategic plan for the development and tourism promotion of Sardinia 2018-2021, draft in slides, (release 14/11/19).

[2] Ib., p. 4.

[3] Ib., P. 7.

[4] Sardegna Turismo, (Short version of) Destination Sardinia 2018-2021, Strategic plan for tourism development and marketing of Sardinia, November 2018, p. 1,, (rel. 11/15/19).

[5] Ib., p. 7.

[6] Ib., P. 30.

[7] Ib., P. 7.

[8] Sardegna Turismo, (Full version of) Destination Sardinia 2018-2021, Strategic plan for tourism development and marketing of Sardinia, November 2018, p. 12-13, , (ril. 15/11/19).

[9] Ib., p.18-19. & nbsp;

[10] Ib., p . 18.

[11] Ib., P. 19. & nbsp;

[12] Ib., P. 11. & nbsp;

[13] Sardinia Region, Tourism, the text of the strategic plan "Destination Sardinia 2018-2021", 20/12/18, ? s = 382465 & amp; v = 2 & amp; c = 3692 & amp; t = 1 (release 11/15/19).

[14] Audio interview with J. Ejarque, 12/20 / 2018, https : // s = 382365 & amp; v = 2 & amp; c = 3692 & amp; t = 1 #

[15] Autumn in Barbagia , Chessa: "Initiatives that combine culture, traditions and food and wine essential to seasonally adjust tourism", 1/8/2019, = 1 (ril. 15/11/19). & Nbsp;

External links

  1. Sardinia ParteciPA, Destination Sardinia, -sardinia-2018-2021 (ril. 11/15/19).
