An ethical debate on the use of genes is arising from rapid advances in biotechnology, so the King Baudouin Foundation (FRB) organized a mini-public with 31 citizens, who deliberated on the use of genetic diagnostic tests during three weekends, from January to March 2003.
Problems and Purpose
Background History and Context
Organizing, Supporting, and Funding Entities
Participant Recruitment and Selection
Methods and Tools Used
What Went On: Process, Interaction, and Participation
Influence, Outcomes, and Effects
Analysis and Lessons Learned
See Also
External Links
This entry comes from the following publication:
- Vrydagh, J., Devillers, S., Talukder, D., Jacquet, V. & Bottin, J. (2020). Les mini-publics en Belgique (2001-2018) : expériences de panels citoyens délibératifs. Courrier hebdomadaire du CRISP, 32(32-33), 5-72.;
which can be found here: