Viewpoint Learning

July 15, 2020 Jaskiran Gakhal, Participedia Team
July 13, 2020 Jaskiran Gakhal, Participedia Team
July 14, 2018 Scott Fletcher Bowlsby
July 12, 2012 richards1000
June 12, 2012 richards1000

Viewpoint Learning is a for-profit consulting firm which assists in the design, facilitation, and conduction of deliberation and dialogue.

Mission and Purpose

Viewpoint Learning is dedicated to the increased and improved use of dialogue and deliberation in a variety of contexts where people with different viewpoints need to collaborate or reach an understanding. Their work includes working with companies, individuals, and public bodies to impart deliberative techniques and strategies; organizing and facilitating large dialogues and deliberative events; providing educational and capacity-building resources and professional instruction to community organizations ' and the marketing of online engagement software.[1]

Origins and Development 

Organizational Structure, Membership, and Funding

Specializations, Methods and Tools

Viewpoint Learning is best known for their development of the Choice Dialogue method, also known as Choicework Dialogue. The company also uses Strategic Dialogue, Scenario Development, Community Conversations, Online Dialogue, Online Surveys, and Leadership Development.[2]

Major Projects and Events

Viewpoint Learning has been involved either as the lead convenor, facilitator, or supporter of countless public engagement initiatives, dialogues, and deliberations in a variety of scales and context. From community-level dialogues, to boardroom meetings, to state- or province-wide initiatives, to national convenings, Viewpoint Learning has leant their expertise in a variety of ways. Below are a select number of case studies available on Participedia:

CommonGround: "The First Five Years" A Dialogue on Early Childhood in New Mexico

Citizens' Dialogues During the Royal Commission on the Future of Health Care in Canada (2002)

The Royal Commission on the Future of Health Care in Canada (2001-2002)

Analysis and Lessons Learned


Publications — including project reports, articles, press releases, and books — were available on their website.

See Also

Choicework Dialogue (method) 

Canadian Policy Research Network's Citizen Dialogue (method)

CommonGround: "The First Five Years" A Dialogue on Early Childhood in New Mexico

Citizens' Dialogues During the Royal Commission on the Future of Health Care in Canada (2002)

The Royal Commission on the Future of Health Care in Canada (2001-2002)


[1] "About us," Viewpoint Learning, 2018, [DEAD LINK]

[2] "Our Approaches," Viewpoint Learning, 2018, [DEAD LINK]

External Links
