A proposal from the government of the province of Santa Fe, Argentina, to reform the constitution through a participatory process.
Problems and Purpose
Bases for the reform: A constitution for Santa Fe is a participatory proposal from the government of the province of Santa Fe to reform the provincial constitution, with which they seek to reverse the process starting from the citizens' proposals and not from the political agreements as it’s usually done. Using a digital platform and citizen consultations, the process was intended to open the debate on the future of the province of Santa Fe, providing spaces for citizens to actively participate in the process of constitutional reform.
Background History and Context
Organizing, Supporting, and Funding Entities
Participant Recruitment and Selection
Methods and Tools Used
What Went On: Process, Interaction, and Participation
A digital platform was developed in which citizens could propose and debate ideas based on 8 working areas. Subsequently, during July and August of 2018, citizen consultations were carried out in the localities and cities of the province. Both participatory dialogue exercises were implemented with the aim of holding a popular consultation on June 16, 2019, by means of a voluntary and non-binding direct vote.
Influence, Outcomes, and Effects
Analysis and Lessons Learned
See Also
External Links
http://lareformasantafe.digital/participacion/#comoparticipar [DEAD LINK]
http://basesparalareforma.digital/participa/public/ [DEAD LINK]
El gobierno de Santa Fe llama a una consulta para reformar la Constitución