Socio-Educational Forum in the Dominican Republic

October 1, 2020 LATINNO
March 5, 2020 Jaskiran Gakhal, Participedia Team
March 5, 2020 LATINNO
January 29, 2020 LATINNO

The Socio-Educational Forum is a network of 14 organizations working in the field of education in the Dominican Republic. It monitors the perfomance of public spending and promotes dialogue among stakeholders to improve the quality of education in the country.

Problems and Purpose

The Socio-Educational Forum is a network of organizations engaged in the field of education in the Dominican Republic. Its objective is to enrich and promote the debate on the subject in order to help shape a more comprehensive and inclusive system. The forum evaluates and monitors the country's educational policies, organizes public debates and coordinates bottom-up advocacy efforts. In addition, at the grassroots level, the forum organizes campaigns, seminars and workshops for the institutional strengthening of the education system. In 2019, the work of the forum was recognized during the National Award for Quality and Recognition of Promising Practices in the Public Sector for helping the government’s efforts in ensuring equal access to quality education.

Background History and Context

Organizing, Supporting, and Funding Entities

Participant Recruitment and Selection

Methods and Tools Used

What Went On: Process, Interaction, and Participation

Influence, Outcomes, and Effects

Analysis and Lessons Learned

See Also


External Links
