"Stop the Harrassment" is a hotline that allows citizens to report harassment cases in public transport in real time. After sending an SMS, a response system is activated prompting authorities to intervene promptly. The collaborative platform has prosecuted 43 complaints so far.
Problems and Purpose
"Stop the Harassment" (Span. Bájale al acoso) is a platform implemented by the local government of Quito, which enables citizens to report cases of sexual harassment in public transportation by sending an SMS with the word "harassment" and the bus ID to the authorities. Each report immediately activates a response mechanism that notifies the driver, who activates an alarm inside of the bus. Then, the Stop with Harassment's Brigade gets in touch with the victim within a maximum of 3 minutes, giving that person alternatives to file a complaint and receive protection. In the next stop or station, the Metropolitan police and a transport comptroller wait for the victim in order to offer their support. Since its implementation in 2017, this collaborative platform has received more than 1,500 complaints of sexual harassment, 43 of which have been taken to court and have lead to 10 guilty verdicts. Today, authorities are aiming to expand this service to districts outside of Quito.
Background History and Context
Organizing, Supporting, and Funding Entities
Participant Recruitment and Selection
Methods and Tools Used
What Went On: Process, Interaction, and Participation
Influence, Outcomes, and Effects
Analysis and Lessons Learned
See Also
Information and Communications Technologies (ICT)
External Links
Bájale al acoso: envía un SMS al 6367: http://www.quitocultura.info/event/bajale-al-acoso/
Quito expuso el programa Bájale al Acoso en un foro en Argentina: http://www.elcomercio.com/actualidad/bajalealacoso-exposicion-foro-argentina-quito.html
“Bájale al acoso“, la iniciativa estrella de Quito: https://www.dw.com/es/b%C3%A1jale-al-acoso-la-iniciativa-estrella-de-quito/a-43935049