ClicSalud is a mobile app to that responds to challenges in the availability and usefulness of information regarding public health services by integrating crowdsourced details about prices of medicines and information about the healthcare system in a single platform.
Problems and Purpose
Launched in 2016 by the Ministry of Health, the mobile app ClicSalud was developed in cooperation with the Ministry of ICTs, Colciencias and the National Superintendency of Health. The app includes three functions, "Choose to know", "Your voice in the system", and "Did you know?". Users can report and compare the prices of medicines across various brands and pharmacies, helping them make savings when undergoing a medical treatment. They can also evaluate the quality of health services at their local EPSs (Health Promoting Entities) and IPSs (Healthcare Providing Institutions). Through the inputs of citizens regarding the quality of the health units and the services received, the National Superintendency of Health seeks to strengthen its mechanisms of inspection, surveillance and control of services at the territorial level. Additionally, ClicSalud offers access information on the rights and duties of citizens and workers within the social security framework and provides users with updated information about various diseases like Denghe, Zika and Chikungunya. This is an example of democratic innovations that respond to challenges in the availability and usefulness of information regarding public services, integrating crowdsourced details about the prices of medicine, the quality of healthcare and current developments in the system in a single trusted platform.
Background History and Context
Organizing, Supporting, and Funding Entities
Participant Recruitment and Selection
Methods and Tools Used
What Went On: Process, Interaction, and Participation
Influence, Outcomes, and Effects
Analysis and Lessons Learned
See Also
Information and Communications Technologies (ICT)
External Links
MinSalud - ClicSalud, nueva ‘app’ para ahorrar en medicamentos y calificar la atención en salud
Min Salud - Aplicativos Móviles
El Tiempo - ClicSalud, nueva 'app' para conocer el precio de los medicamentos
El Tiempo - 22 mil colombianos descargaron la 'app' ClicSalud para hacer consultas
Semana - ClicSalud: la aplicación para evaluar el sistema de salud
OECD Digital Government Studies Digital Government Review of Colombia (Google Books)