The Citizens' Conference on GMOs (Conférence de citoyens sur les organismes génétiquement modifiés) was initiated by the French government and organized by the OPECST. Across 3 weekends in 1998, 14 citizens deliberated about GMOs in agriculture and nutrition.
Problems and Purpose
Background History and Context
This is the first mini-public (loosely based on the model of Danish consensus conferences) that took place at the national level in France.
Organizing, Supporting, and Funding Entities
This conference was initiated by the government and organized by the OPECST (an advisory body composed of deputies and senators).
Participant Recruitment and Selection
14 participants were randomly selected to meet during three weekends. The 27 invited speakers at the National Assembly were selected by participants from a list pre-established by members of the steering committee.
Methods and Tools Used
What Went On: Process, Interaction, and Participation
The first two first weekends (April 25-26 and May 16- 17) were devoted to training sessions, during which participants gathered neutral information on the issue and prepared questions to ask experts and stakeholders during the public hearings. On June 20 and 21, participants conducted a public hearing of experts and stakeholders at the National Assembly, who they selected from a pre-established list. Finally, participants deliberated and wrote their final reports (including policy recommendations) following the public hearings. The report was made public the next day (June 22).
Influence, Outcomes, and Effects
The process was broadly publicized. However, the recommendations apparently did not have much policy impact (e.g., the government authorized GM crops just before the citizen conference took place).
Analysis and Lessons Learned
See Also
Belgian citizens' panels on GMOs
External Links
This entry is based on the POLITICIZE dataset. More information can be found at the following links:
- Paulis, Emilien; Pilet, Jean-Benoit; Panel, Sophie; Vittori, Davide; Close, Caroline, 2020, "POLITICIZE Dataset",, Harvard Dataverse, V1
- Pilet J-B, Paulis E, Panel S., Vitori D & Close C. 202X. The POLITICIZE Dataset: an inventory of Deliberative Mini-Publics (DMPs) in Europe. European Political Science.