Open Your Municipality (Spanish: Abre Tu Municipio) was born in 2017 as an initiative of the organization “Ciudadano Inteligente” that, together with the Municipality of Peñalolén, implemented the first pilot of this project to open local governments.
Problems and Purpose
Open Your Municipality is a mixture of digital and methodological tools that bring the work of municipalities closer to neighbors in Peñalolén, promoting the collective construction of communities. It seeks to involve citizens in municipal projects and policies, allowing for more efficient participation, with better results for the people and a better use of resources by the municipal government.
Background History and Context
Organizing, Supporting, and Funding Entities
The organization, Ciudadano Inteligente, and the municipality of Peñalolén implemented this project.
Participant Recruitment and Selection
The pilot had the participation of more than 200 residents of a neighborhood of the commune.
Methods and Tools Used
What Went On: Process, Interaction, and Participation
The process is supported by a web platform that centralizes information and collects citizen proposals, making visible the progress of the initiative for citizens, and making them more aware of the possibilities of collaboration that exist in their municipality. The pilot generated more than 40 proposals to address the challenge of redesigning a park sector. In 2019, the second pilot directed at the Municipality of Independencia was in the process of implementation.
Influence, Outcomes, and Effects
Analysis and Lessons Learned
See Also
Information and Communications Technologies (ICT)
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