Voices from my Neighborhood emerged in mid-2017, in the slums of the city of Montería, Córdoba, as a mapping tool to identify local issues, potential solutions, and youth leaders that are creating change.
Problems and Purpose
Voices from my Neighborhood (Voces de mi Barrio) is one of the initiatives incubated in the “Saying and Doing” (Span. Diciendo y Haciendo) platform. The initiative emerged in mid-2017, in the slums of Montería, Córdoba, as a mapping tool to identify the main problems, potential solutions, and youth leaderships that drive change at the local level.
Background History and Context
Organizing, Supporting, and Funding Entities
Participant Recruitment and Selection
Methods and Tools Used
What Went On: Process, Interaction, and Participation
Local young leaders, aware of the ineffectiveness of public policies focused on youth, proposed a mapping of the young population in Montería, in order to connect young activists and their initiatives with decision makers. The Voices from my Neighbourhood team developed a survey, collected information from three neighborhoods, and mapped 133 initiatives, 22 leaders, and a set of policy priorities based on information provided by local youth. The resulting information was used as a tool to advance a political agenda from and for Montería's youth. Voices from my Neighbourhood was one of the experiences presented in the framework of the Build Peace 2017 international conference.
Influence, Outcomes, and Effects
Analysis and Lessons Learned
See Also
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