The Latin American Map of Femicides (Span. Mapa Latinoamericano de Feminicidios) is a digital monitoring tool to collect and provide statistical information on femicides in Latin America.
Problems and Purpose
The Latin American Map of Femicides (Span. Mapa Latinoamericano de Feminicidios) is a digital monitoring tool designed by the civil association MundoSur with the aim of collecting and providing data and statistical information regarding femicides in Latin America. This tool was developed in 2020 as an effort to denounce and make visible the escalation of gender-based violence during the lockdowns implemented in several countries due to COVID-19 and to raise awareness of the vulnerability of women under these measures.
Background History and Context
Organizing, Supporting, and Funding Entities
The civil association MundoSur designed and updates this digital tool to track feminicides.
Participant Recruitment and Selection
The Map of Femicides is regularly updated with information gathered by MundoSur, and information provided by the 23 member organizations of the Latin American Network Against Gender Violence (Span. Red Latinoamericana contra la Violencia de Género); any organization or interested party can join the Network online.
Methods and Tools Used
What Went On: Process, Interaction, and Participation
Overall, this initiative serves as a monitoring tool for other organizations, governments and media to access data during the pandemic. Additionally, MundoSur also publishes periodic reports on the situation of femicides in Latin America, in which they include policy recommendations for state authorities.
Influence, Outcomes, and Effects
Analysis and Lessons Learned
See Also