In order to support the COVID-19 vaccination strategy in France, a citizens' committee has been created by the CESE. This group is made up of 35 randomly selected citizens and aims to provide advice and recommendations during the vaccination campaign.
Problems and objectives
Under the aegis of the Economic, Social and Environmental Council (CESE), a participatory mechanism comprising a citizens' committee made up of 35 citizens selected at random as well as a participation platform open to the general public has been created. [1] The collective aims to issue opinions and observations on vaccine policies and formulate proposals relating to the questions, fears, resistance and ethical questions raised by vaccination against COVID-19. The group can also be contacted by the Orientation Council for the vaccination strategy.
History and background
After the announcement of the arrival of the COVID-19 vaccine, the French government faces the “scientific, logistical and democratic” challenge of ensuring its distribution. [2] On December 9, 2020, the CESE was therefore mandated by the government to make recommendations to it throughout the vaccination campaign. The CESE brings together representatives of trade unions, associations and organizations as well as personalities associated with French civil society. Citizen participation is an important dimension of the CESE's work, as demonstrated in particular by its role in the establishment of the Citizen's Climate Convention . Missions Publiques, which supports the CESE in this process, also organized in 2016 two citizen juries on vaccination policy in France in order to identify how to restore confidence in vaccination. [3]
Organizing, supporting and financing organizations
The CESE is the body mandated by the government to organize the citizens' committee. Missions Publiques accompanies it in the structuring of the work and the animation of the sessions. [4]
Recruitment and selection of participants
A panel of 35 citizens was selected at random on the basis of criteria such as age, gender, geographic area, socio-professional categories, types of housing, and levels of education. Considering the theme addressed for the committee, a question on the intention to be vaccinated was also asked in order to reflect the diversity of positions in society. [5]
Methods and tools used
An online consultation platform for the general public has been set up to support the work of the citizens' committee. This platform collects the opinions of French people on various issues such as their motivations and hesitations regarding vaccination and the idea of a vaccination passport. [6] The first sessions of the citizens' committee took place online. Participants interact with experts and use a deliberative process that includes small group discussions as well as plenary sessions.
What happened: process, interactions and participation
The committee is part of a three-phase approach:
- January-March: support the launch and design of the COVID-19 vaccine campaign.
- Until July 2021: support the monitoring of the campaign.
- July to fall 2021: evaluate the campaign. [7]
During the first virtual sessions, discussions focused in particular on communication strategies with the general public, dialogue with health professionals, as well as access to vaccination according to geographic and social criteria. [8]
Influence, results and effects
Analysis and lessons learned
See as well
[1] Economic, Social and Environmental Council, Vaccination, .
[2] Economic, Social and Environmental Council, Letter of referral from Prime Minister Jean Castex to the CESE, Paris, December 9, 2020, pdf .
[3] Public Missions, The citizens' committee on the COVID-19 vaccine campaign, /.
[4] Missions Publiques, The citizens' committee on the COVID-19 vaccine campaign, .
[5] Government, Beginning of work by the citizens' committee on vaccination, January 18, 2021, .
[6] Economic, Social and Environmental Council, COVID-19 Vaccination Platform, .
[7] Economic, Social and Environmental Council, "vaccination" referral: outline and schedule of the device, .
[8] Economic, Social and Environmental Council, Review of session 3 of the citizens' committee on vaccination, March 17, 2021, citizen-vaccination .