The City of Austin engagement citizens through in-person meetings and online communications and tools. Their Community Engagement office works to innovate new ways to include citizens in municipal decision-making.
Mission and Purpose
The City of Austin is the state capital of Texas. It is committed to community engagement by including citizens in the decisions that may affect them through online interactions and in-person meetings and conversations. Its Community Engagement Office is dedicated to developing new ways to connect citizens to the municipal adminstration. According to their website, the City of Austin takes community engagement to mean that,
"as an organization, [they] take into consideration the needs of the community and facilitate a conversation between City officials and the community. Collaboration and diversity of thought are vital ingredients to a successful engagement. Part of [their] work is to find pockets of the population that usually are not part of the decision-making process and look for creative ways to bring them into the process."[1]
Origins and Development
Organizational Structure, Membership, and Funding
Specializations, Methods and Tools
The Community Engagement office connects citizens to municipal officials through a variety of publicy-accessible tools such as Social Media, SpeakUpAustin, online surveys or small group discussions.[1]
Major Projects and Events
Analysis and Lessons Learned
See Also
Interactive Community Consultations on Austin's Public Engagement Strategy
[1] “Community Engagement | Communications and Public Information Office,” City of Austin, accessed April 18, 2019,
External Links
City of Austin:
Community Engagement Office: